The Plan

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   We had spent the day as planned, hanging out at the house. Keanu and John had done a lot of space clearing for a space large enough for his aquarium. He was going to grow the veggies in the basement, or attempt to, anyway. Mom and I hung out with the boys most of the day, but we had planned to take off to the grocery store at some point. Keanu and John came upstairs briefly for a cigarette, and I informed Keanu that we'd be taking a trip to the store, that if there was anything he wanted, to send me with a list. He sent me a text, with one single word: DONUTS!

    Keanu handed his credit card to me, telling me to get whatever I wanted, and I assured him I would not do that. I wanted him to know that his money didn't impress me, and I didn't need it. I politely handed it back to him, assuring him I had cash to get everything I needed, and he nodded, hopefully understanding the message I was trying to send. He stood up to kiss me, and told me to be careful. He requested that I text him when we arrived so he knew we made it safe, and I told him I would. The next move he made, threw us all for a loop. He tossed me his keys, telling my mother and I to take the Porsche, but to be careful because it had a little kick to it. They casually returned downstairs, finishing up their work so that when we returned home, they could hang out.

    Keanu was right, it did have a little kick to it, but I loved it. I loved driving anyway, but the way the Porsche hugged every curve on the road was incredible. My mother was close to a coronary, gripping the seat as hard as she could as we made our way to Wal-Mart, smoking a cigarette in the parking lot before we went inside. I let Keanu know I made it safely and he replied quickly, saying He missed me already and he hopes I don't wreck his car. I picked up donuts and more alcohol, along with some snacks. I had to return to work the following day, so tonight was going to be the most fun yet.

    Mom met me at the front door, picking up a few simple things and a couple of movies. My last purchase was a pack of cigarettes, which turned into two packs when I remembered we'd be drinking, and Keanu smoked just as much as me. We made our way home, the thrill of the Porsche lasting until I parked it again, more excited to return home and hang out with Keanu. I had changed into a pair of black leggings and a long sleeved shirt, ready to relax and pop the cap on a couple of beers. I ate a donut before I began drinking, making sure to have something on my stomach. Keanu and John had finally finished their work downstairs, proud of how everything had turned out. The boys had been watching Harry Potter all day long, nearly asleep on the couch in the living room.

    The boys walked home, claiming they were tired. They were heading to bed for the night, leaving the adults to hang out alone. Keanu asked if he enjoyed the Porsche, and of course I told him I loved it, but my mom was NOT a fan. She could've cared less about the speed. Before long we were all playing cards at the table, even Mom had cracked open a beer, enjoying the evening. My parents made their way home soon after, leaving me alone with Keanu for the evening. I had quite a few questions for him, now that I'd been drinking, it was a good opportunity to ask. "How long are you going to be in town for?" I asked quietly, sipping my beer, looking at him over the top of it, his smile never leaving his face. He was always smiling. He shrugged his shoulders, eyes bright and bloodshot from the alcohol. "I may stay a while." I nodded, not exactly disappointed with the answer.

    "I may stay as long as you'll have me." He added, causing a grin to spread across his face. "I'd like you to stay." I replied, pouring out the remainder of my beer and checking the stove, adding more wood, stoking it as needed. Keanu joined me, taking his spot on the loveseat, lighting us both a cigarette. We watched the flames glow with half lidded eyes, enjoying the warmth on our faces. It wasn't long before Keanu took my hand, and I leaned into him, memorizing his scent. And that's when it hit me. He wouldn't be here forever. He might not be here next month, I realized with a shudder, shaking off the feeling of dread. How? Why? Why am I dreading the day that he has to return to the real world? Was it because I knew, deep down, he'd never take me with him? I felt so insignificant. He had a big world full of shiny, better things. Anything better than I had to offer. Apparently I wore my thoughts on my face, because Keanu quickly became concerned. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" I shook my head, unable to explain what I was feeling.

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