Your proof

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You smiled leading your dad to where you trained and stopped "ready?" you grinned as he held a thumbs up "ok" you quickly tyrned pegging a knife in a tree tgen turned to your right tossing one at a tree then Aizawa pegged a frisbee, you quickly scaled a tree and ran to the edge of a branch pegging a knife at the frisbee and hitting it in the middle of the frisbee lodging it in the ground, you landed on the ground and looked at your dad a bead of sweat sliding down tge side of your face "very nice...I think your ready" Aizawa grinned "....." you squealed hugging your dad "but it turns out your entrance exam will be fighting a pro hero "what?!" you squeaked pullimg a knife out of a tree "you'll be fighting a pro your that good" aizawa grinned scruffing your head "thanks i think" you pondered grabbing another knife and then the knife lodged in the ground "lets go home" your dad smiled heading home you not far behind.

You woke up early sunday morning and went to the kitchen making yourself a bowl of cereal to eat for breakfast "good mornin sweety" your father smirked playing with your bed heaf "morning" you smiled as he walked over to the coffee machine "so for your training yagi and recovery lady said they could help" Aizawa grinned taking a sip of his hot coffee "really thats awesome" you smiled kissing his cheek and placing your bowl in the sink "i'll be back" you said going into your room and chaging into a excercise bra that covered 3/4's of your stomach and a pair of skin tight pants, you put a pair of black sneakers on and brushed your hair putting it up in a high ponytail. You walked back to the kitchen and washed tge bowk and spoon you used and looked at your dad "the beach honey" he grinned as you grabbed a jumper and your phone and ran out the door "have fun" you heard Aizawa yell, Aizawa sighed placing his cup on the sink and went to U.A for a staff meeting.

You arrived at the beach at 11:17 and instantly spotted yagi in his hero form "Yagi!" you yelled jogging over "hey kid are you ready?" he smirked as the recovery lady came over "now for safety all might will not actually hit you and for his safety dont aim for his heart nor brain" she said walking over to a sideline "lets go!" you yelled slinging a knife at him but he dodged, you quickly glanced around as all might ran at you, you quickly dived and rolled onto ypur feet turnng and pegging a knife back at him, he quickly used his hand to take the hit but it only slightly stabbed him then bounced off onto the sand "try harder" he smiled throwing another punch at you, it went back and forth until you staryed to tire but all might looked like he could go for hours "good job but im wrecked" yagi said returning to his normal form, he didnt hit you once but he got awfully close but you had manged to give him some cuts and stabs. He smiled at the recovery lady as she healed his wounds "thank you" you said as she healed a small bruise you got from smashing into a rusted car. "thanks all might!" you smiled before jogging away "she's gonna be something" he grinned as izuku walked over "who?" he asked as all might turned to him "nothing young midoriya lets get training" yagi smiled turning to him.

Once you got home Aizawa was sitting on the lounge "how was training?" he asked as your took your jumper off and sat on the lounge "tough thats for sure" you grinned grabbing your six identical knives "you got him i see" he said gesturing to the bloodied knives you had started to clean "yep!" you smiled placing them on the chopping block. after some time Aizawa spoke up again "i know who your fighting" he said flicking through the tv channels "really who?" you looked at him "i sadly can't tell you" he said petting your head "dammit" you sighed "but i can tell you their a tough oppenent" he said stopping on the news channel "so a rising hero killer huh" your dad grinned "dad no" you looked at him "i won't" he grinned standing up "come on lets go get some dinner" he said heading to the door "ok" ypu smiled grabbing your coat and putting it on, you both walked down the street and into a small resturant "good evening Aizawa please follow me" a waiter said leading you to a table and then he walked away "omg isnt that Eraser head?" a girl squealed "oh yeah it is and tge little chick must be his daughter" the other girl said "dad i don't wanna be here any more" you sighed hiding in your hoodie "alright i'll get our food and we'll go sit somewhere else" he replied "so what are your plans for tomorrow?" you asked "i gotta help Hizashi test the other kids" he sighed "oh cool" you smiled "i'm sorry i really wanted to watch your fight" he said grinning "nah its ok" you smiled.

After about an hour you returned to the apartment and Aizawa watched the tv in his sleeping bag and you were sketching your hero costume happily at your desk, after a while you agreed with the design and had a shower then prepared for bed, ypu walked out to the lounge room to find Aizawa asleep on the lounge and you smiled before going back to your room to go to bed yourself.

We need hero name ideas and im open for suggestion

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