Characters and some background

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Alison Mae Wilson (Ali)

Age: 19

Birthday: March 12, 1995

Siblings: None

Features: Brown hair, blue eyes

Mom (Gracie)

Age: 43

Birthday: November 7, 1970

Siblings: Bev

Features: Brown hair hazel eyes

Grandma (Pam)

Age: 65

Birthday: ummmm is it bad that I don't remember?!?

Siblings: Janet, Becky, Gale

Features: Brown hair and eyes

Hope Renee Burn

Age: 19

Birthday: May 4, 1995

Siblings: Crystal

Features: Blonde hair and green eyes

Bethany Mills

Age: 18

Birthday: August 16, 1995

Siblings: Rebecca

Features: Blond hair blue eyes

Sam Adams

Age: 18

Birthday: December 29, 1995

Siblings: Bryon and Amy

Features: Brown hair brown eyes

Lynn Elms

Age: 19

Birthday: February 13, 1995

Siblings: Ethan

Features: Dirty blond hair green eyes

Michelle (Chell)

Age: 18

Birthday: September 4, 1995

Siblings: Christopher

Features: brown hair brown eyes


Age: 18

Birthday: March 11, 1996

Siblings: none

Features: brown hair brown eyes

Ashely Elizabeth Parker (Ash)

Age: 17

Birthday: August 17, 1997

Siblings: Elisa

Features: Brown hair and light brown eyes

Dalton J. Gram(Janet)

Age: 18

Birthday: September 19, 1996

Siblings: Blake and Samantha

Features: Blond hair green eyes

Kameron Dime (Kam)

Age: 19

Birthday: February 11, 1995

Siblings: Harley

Features: Brown hair dyed blond and brown eyes

Harley Dime (Baby Dime)

Age: 17

Birthday: October 19, 1997

Siblings: Kameron

Features: dirty blond hair gray eyes

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 19, 2015 ⏰

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