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I layed there in pain. Hoping my rescue call made it and soon help would come. I waited and waited but there was no sign of anyone. Soon it started to snow, the first snow fall of the year. Just like that seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to hours.

The sun is out now and there is still no sign anyone. I guess no one will be coming. I'm trying to stay aware for as long as I can, but my eyes are getting heavy. I'm too cold and in too much pain. The red snow has also spread. Soon it'll be outlining my entire body.

I'll be gone soon. I don't have much strength left in me. I look around one last time. If it really is my time, then I'm glad I'll be able to see the snow one last time. I look up at the sky and someone leans over me and stare.

Is this it? Is this white wonderland what they call heaven? Is this the angel that has been sent to guide me?

I feel my body rising as I hear a faint voice speaking to me. I wasn't dying. I was being saved.

First Snow Fall (RM ff)Where stories live. Discover now