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All Students and Teachers / Principal chat room

Vexana:Hi guys ready for the field trip

Alice: What are you doing chatting this late you will wake up all the students and teachers because of the notification they'll have on there phone

Estes:Is there any special announcement Ma'am Vexana?

Miya:Ugh Estes why are you up this late

Estes:Oh Miya you're up too

Miya:My phone just had a notification and My phone volume is on the highest soooooo yep I'm up

Alice: Guess you already woke them up

Vexana: At least not all of them

All:Is that so

Vexana:............ Well it's not my fault that your phones volume is high

Ruby:W~well I put my volume high so I can see if there's any special announcement...

All except Chou: I agree on Ruby


Hanabi and Kagura: But still we won't forgive you

Ruby left the chat room

Chou:My reason why my phone volume is high is to see if any girls texted me

Alucard:Heh in your dreams Chou

All: We agree with Alucard


Chou left the chat room

Hayabusa: Wait Ruby we haven't plan what will we contribute for the field trip tomorrow ugh fine guess I should pm her

Hayabusa left the chat room

Hanabi and Kagura: Haya-kun Wait~

Hanabi and Kagura left the chat room

Selena: Well that was unsuspected

Karina:Hey Sis who is your partner

Selena left the chat room


Martis left the chat room

Karina:Oh....... Ok then bye now i need some sleep

Estes:I should be going too there aren't any special announcement either so it's just a waste of time being here

All: Yeah we agree with Estes....bye now

Vexana:Wait all of you before you all leave you should plan what your going to contribute for the field trip tomorrow with your partner that clear

All Students:Yes Ma'am

Estes: Guess there's a special announcement after all

All teachers: What about us

Vexana: You guys should keep all the students safe

All teachers : oh ok

All:Bye now

All the students and teachers except for Vexana and Alice left the chat room

Alice:At least you chatted something useful lol

Vexana: Yeah yeah whatever we should go to bed now we need some energy for tomorrow


Vexana and Alice left the chat room

To be continued.............

I didn't update some chapter yesterday and the other day because I was waiting for my previous chapter to get 20 reads but it didn't but it's fine for me though~Author

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