(CHAPTER ONE)- A strange meeting

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(y/n) pov

I sat on my queen sized bed and stared at the wall, 'well, i guess it couldn't get any worse' i sigh as i stand up and walk over to my dresser, my parents decided it would be a good idea to move us to scotland because my dad was offered a job with some rich guy. I wasn't mad, i love scotland, but i wanted to do something like this with my friends and boyfriend, sadly they are halfway across the world and the only form of communication between all of us is instagram, i grab my phone and click on the white ghost, i then go to my boyfriends chat and start typing.


(y/n): hey baby 😘                                    

                                           Hi... : baby😘😍

(y/n): what's wrong babe?                     

                     We need to talk : baby😘😍

(y/n): about what baby?                        

  I've been cheating on you : baby😘😍

(y/n): WHAT, WITH WHO!                   

           Your bestfriend Lilly : baby😘😍

(y/n): that bitch?, she's a hoe and you know it, she don't know how to keep her fucking legs closed, i bet you didn't know that she was fucking your brother too, they've been at it for weeks, along with her and every guy on the football team, she probably has an STD, i hope you enjoy Herpes, fuck you

I still love you : baby😘😍
please baby, i love you, she was a mistake, please

(y/n): hell no, you slept with my bestfriend, after i warned you that she would try to do this, and you let her, so no



I threw my phone across the room, i don't care if i broke it, i was pissed, i stormed over to my balcony and opened the doors, i walked over to some vines and started climbing to the roof, i sat down at the highest part and looked at stars, i sighed and brought out my knife and started flipping it. I stopped when i heard my mom and dad yelling at eachother, i sighed and started climbing down from the roof, this is what normally happens, they argue a lot, and i go to my little brothers room to make sure he is alright, my parents aren't the best, they have their moments, but lately it's been getting worse, just the other day my mother slapped my little brother and my father got drunk and tried to make out with me, mom helped me stop him but i could tell she was jealous of me. But i don't care, i walk into my brothers room to find him drawing as he sat at his desk, i walk over and hug him from behind, i heard him sniffle and i picked him up, i carried him over to the bed and layed us down, he then cuddled closer to me and i smiled, i used my magic to dim the lights incase he fell asleep, he started crying. I started petting his head as he quietly sobbed,
" shhhhhhh, it'll be ok, i promise, shhhhbhbh " he calmed down after a few minutes and started falling asleep, i then soon followed. I woke up to my brother shaking me awake, i saw that he was wearing his vampire cape and fake fangs, i smiled and made myself float into the air so i could watch him, he started acting like a vampire and i just sat in the air, laughing when he used ketchup as fake blood. But the fun anded when a bat flew in through the window and into the fireplace, i already knew that it was a vampire and quickly jumped down in front of tony, there was a small explosion and i slowly walked towards the fireplace, when i was infront of it i saw a boy, i couldn't stop staring at him and i felt my heart skip a beat, ' shit this guy is hot, i wouldn't mind spending the night with him ; ) ' i thought. I gasped when he flew towards the door and hissed at tony, i guess they were talking and tony said something, the boy fell to the ground and i fell down to my knees, i slowly brought his head onto my lap and told tony we need to help him, but vampire boy got up and ran to the window as he spoke, " why walk, when you can fly ", i laughed when he fell to the ground, i got up and walked to the window and climbed out. I then let go and landed right by him, i sat down beside him and put his head on my lap, i started to slowly play with his messy black hair, i slightly pulled away when i realized i was playing with someone's hair that i had just met not Even 30 minutes ago, but stopped when he grabbed my hand and pulled it to his face, he placed it against his cheek and started to nuzzle into it. My face heated up and he smirked, but i quickly pulled my hand back when tony walked out of the house, he looked at vampire boy and frowned, " are you ok? " the boy frowned as he spoke weakly, " no- " he was cut off by a bright light showing in his face and he hissed, i pulled him into my chest and tried to shield him from the light, i felt him grab my waist and pull me closer, tony looked at the source of the light as it past by. Once the light was gone i looked at tony, " go get the wagon " he ran off and i pulled out my knife, i gently dragged it across my palm and put it back in my pocket, i let my hand flex to help the blood flow a little faster, once it dripped from my hand i put it up to vampire boys mouth. " No i don't wanna hurt you " He tried to decline but i pushed it against his mouth, " drink it, you'll feel better, please " he sighed and started sucking the blood from the wound, i felt his fangs brush against the skin on my palm and sighed, i started to pull away but he quickly grabbed my waist and pulled me on to his lap. I looked at his features as he stared at me, he stoped sucking and licked the cut, he then looked into my eyes and down to my lips, he started leaning in and i did the same, " MINE " he growled, and then smashed his lips onto mine, 'oh shit' i thought...


Word count is 1124


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