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☆ .。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°


it is the last day of me and y/n' fake relationship. maybe i should just tell her how i feel. maybe i should just give her up. i don't know what i will do, but let's hope something good happens.


i wake up excitedly, but mostly sad. i quickly start my morning routine so i could spend as much time with y/n as possible. i'm not leaving her forever, but i'll enjoy this 'relationship' as it lasts.

i walk out of my apartment and knock on y/n' door. i wait about two seconds before it opens as if y/n was just waiting at the door.

"hey babe come inside" i say happily

i walk inside, and sit down on her small couch.
"how was your sleep?"
"it was not bad.. how was yours"
"same here."

a couple minutes pass by and we just talk about random things.


"are we still gonna be friends after this" i say trying to not make things awkward

friends. friends? is that all she will see me as after this? we'll see about that..
"uh yeah why?"
"i don't know i just feel like we won't talk anymore after this?"

i nod in response


and that's when things started getting awkward

it's so fucking awkward.. jesus christ...

i didn't say anything all i did was look out of the huge window on my right.

should i say something?

why the hell isn't she saying anything?

yeah i should.. but what?

cmon y/n fucking say something already

here goes nothing

"uh y-yoongi?"
"yeah" i say turning my head towards her.

"uhhh i-i l-l-"
"it's okay take your time" i slightly smile excitedly for what she is trying to say.

ugh you idiot you just embarrassed yourself! get yourself together and just say it, y/n!

i look at her and she looks away with a light shade of pink on her face.

"i love you"

i smile.

"i love you too"

☆ .。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°

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