Five of Diamonds

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"Kim Namjoon. You have been spacing out for the last thirty minutes in my studio. Get the fuck out of here if you have no business with me." Min Yoongi spoke with an annoyed tone. "Hyung, why is The House of Cards closed?" Namjoon asked the elderly male in an annoyed tone. "Renovations or something, perhaps? What the hell? Kim Namjoon, sit the fuck down and do not go near my Kumamon figurines!" Yoongi scolded the younger male. Namjoon let out a sigh, and he slumped on the couch which Yoongi had in his studio.

"Now tell me why you're so restless today? I'm pretty sure it's not about Jin." Yoongi questioned the younger. "What? No Hyung!" Namjoon denied hotly. "Then spill it out, kid, I have work to do." Yoongi rolled his eyes at the younger male's actions."Jackson Hyung visited me earlier." Namjoon admitted. "Oh. What did Jackson say?" Yoongi removes his headphones, completely curious about what the blonde male would say. "He dropped in his new mixtape," Namjoon replied. "Oh? Who produced it?" Yoongi asked. "He did it by himself. Some of the tracks were nice, but it can be improved even more."Namjoon explained as he gave Yoongi the disc.

"Some?" Yoongi raised a brow as he inserted the disc in a player. "His track, the Outro: King. Listen to it." Namjoon suggested. "Alright, Joon," Yoongi grumbled as he switched tracks.

Don't want your rules

Don't wanna lead fools

Don't wanna be somebody's tools

Don't wanna be a fucking prude

Don't wanna sound rude

But I ain't a dude

I'm not in the mood

I hope you all understood

That I am not

Fit to be a King

I just wanna be free

I just wanna be me

So tell me

Is it even that easy

My rap may be greasy

But my soul is uneasy

Full of expectations

Instead of drowning in pleasant sensations

Now I wanna throw away all my emotions

Thinking of the current motions

Thinking of a plan for my actions

Don't care about reactions

I don't wanna be King

"Joon." Yoongi huffed out as he paused the song. "I'm really sure you are aware that Jackson has no plan of running Korea," Yoongi said. "What am I gonna do now, Hyung? I'll be next in line!" Namjoon protested at Yoongi. "Yeah, I know both of you have no intention of ruling; I didn't think that Jackson was serious." Yoongi massaged his temples.

Yoongi and Jackson met during college. They were both freshmen, and both had a lot of similar classes. Yoongi helped Jackson move on from his old childhood friend and first love. He wasn't aware that Jackson Wang was part of the Royal Family before. He only found out when Yoongi accidentally received a letter with the royal seal on it.

♦♡♣♤♠♧♥♢House of Cards♦♡♣♤♠♧♥♢

"Yoongi hyung I'm so tired. I swear sitting down for hours makes your butt flat!" Jackson complained as he entered their dorm. "Jackson care to explain?" Yoongi was sitting on his favorite couch. Yoongi raised an envelope, making Jackson's eyes widen in surprise. "Who are you, Jackson Wang?"Yoongi asked in a deadly tone. Jackson became afraid, and he bit his lower lip.

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