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It all leads back to the rain

'Pledis Drug Trials
Volunteers will be paid in advance to trial an experimental drug
Full insurance guaranteed
Limited availability due to time pressures
Contact ————————- for more details'

The poster is torn and faded, the edge stained with a mysterious liquid and surrounded by other equally dirty adverts, numbers scrawled over them proclaiming leering messages.

The whole alleyway seems to lead to the poster, bin bags spilling litter onto the street somehow pointing to paper, puddles forming everywhere except underneath it.

Behind him, people continue their hurried walking, cursing at their misfortune to be caught in the storm.

But it catches catches Chan's eye.

From where he's stood, sheltering in an alleyway from the rain, it seems bright despite the faded colours and he's drawn to it.

He walks towards it, brushing away a loose flyer to make out the words properly.

Embarrassingly, it's the word 'paid' that catches his eye.

He narrows his eyes at it, suspicious of the bright pink writing. Taking up the offer would obviously be a stupid idea, one he would never even usually consider.

But the late payment notice for his apartment burns a hole in his pocket.

Above him, the rain seems to get harder, thunder rumbling through the sky and water pouring in streams off his umbrella. It's definitely the worst storm this year, and considering there's a storm practically every day, that's saying a lot.

Chan's fingers reach for his pen on their own, and before he knows it the number is written on his hand, ink already beginning to run.

Somewhere in the back of his mind, a voice warns him against phoning up.

He's never heard of Pledis before, and there are plenty of horror stories about drug trials going wrong.

He's never even been a huge risk taker.

But as thunder roars again, he subconsciously keeps his hand dry.


"Are you actually considering it?"

Chan looks up guiltily from his cereal, futilely trying to hide the number on his hand.

"I've said before, I don't mind paying for your half of the rent this month. I don't want you to feel pressured into doing anything just to pay."

Chan drops his spoon into the bowl, watching as it sends ripples across the milk and the remaining bits of cereal spiral lazily around, "I don't want you to pay for me again."

Mingming sits across from him, taking the spoon from Chan's hand, "So are you actually considering it?"

He makes an effort to grab the spoon back, but it's halfhearted and Mingming easily dodges his hand. "What else can I do?" He finally says dipping his index finger into the milk instead, "I'm pretty much out of options here."

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