Pt. 3: Are you good or are you bad?

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To my surprise there was some Hwarangs washing their robes, unfortunately it had to be Ban Ryu and his mob, I rolled onto the soil and caught my breath, water rushing out of my mouth and surprisingly I had survived that. 'Who was that lunatic that did that to me? Was it more banished Chila people? Was it someone who dislikes Hwarang?' I stood up carefully, pushing my arms out to the floor as I steadied myself. 

"What the hell...Why are you always appearing in front of me, Sungmin?" Ban Ryu approached me and examined me all over, "Who did this?" He asked, "I don't know, some lunatic. He decided to push me off of the bridge, now here I am!" I responded and wiped my hand over my wet face, he bit his lip to try and stop his self from laughing. "Seems you've pissed someone else off, eh?" He looked down at my robe that was sticking to me, shooting him a stare I grumbled. "Whatever, in which direction is the house?" I asked him, he pointed to the stone pathway and rolled his eyes. "You're not lying, are you?" I narrowed my eyes at him as I parted the top pony tail from my eyes, sliding it back into position as I waited for a response. "Why would I lie?" He stared at me, having enough of seeing his face I rushed to the stone pathway and followed it to the red gates, running to the steps and looking at the guards who stared at me.

"Someone pushed me off the bridge, so keep your eyes out for any suspicious people, okay?" I said and they nodded, looking around cautiously, I coughed and they rushed to the red doors and opened them, slowly stepping in with a wet trail following me from my clothes, I stepped towards the group of Hwarangs and heard some laugh at me. 

I closed my eyes and continued walking, bashing by Ji Dwi and Sunwoo who finally got here.  "What happened to you?" Sunwoo asked as I walked by him, but leaving him unanswered, I stormed off into my room and pulled the wet clothing off of me, slamming it down onto the ground and frowning. "Oooohhh that person better not show up in front of me, or I will use his head as a pillow!" I kicked the table over and scrunched my nose. "Actually no, that'd be gross....I'll use it as a football." I nodded and stood in the middle of my room, my wet hair dripping as I stood there. 

Someone walked into my room, I turned around and it was Ban Ryu, he stepped towards me and dropped my right foot shoe onto the ground. "You forgot this." He said and I looked down to see my white boot. "How did I not notice it was gone?! AAAAH!" I slapped my wall and he blinked, "Calm down....You're more weirder than Soo-ho." I looked at him and scowled, "Do not go there, Ban Ryu. Do not." I walked to him and stared him in the eyes, "I will damage you if you remain standing here, get lost." I poked at his chest and he poked back but stopped, I blinked and he frowned. "Something wasn't right, hold on..." He went to poke again but I slapped his hand away. "You're touching my wound hurts so get out!" I frowned, he shook his head and rushed out of my room.  'Idiot, how dare he touch a woman like that!' I looked under my robe to see if they were alright, nodding and moving to my bed, I laid down and groaned. "I forgot I was wet.." I jumped up and rushed to the shared bathroom, looking around for a towel or something to dry myself off with. 

"To your right." I looked to my right and saw a wall with small squared cupboards on them, I opened one and grabbed the towel, then I looked for who spoke. "It is I, Yeo Woo Rang." He walked out from one of the stalls, he headed towards me with a towel around him, he wore it like a female and didn't dare show off any skin. "It's a pleasure to see you on your own, Kim Sungmin." He smiled lightly and I just nodded slowly, "Yeah...You too." I eyed him up and down before staring him in the eyes. "Go on, I'm leaving now." He walked out of the bathroom and left me to it. 

'I am not risking it here, I might get caught.'  I rushed to my room with the towel hanging over my head, I did bump into some people but I pushed them aside. "Did you hear? The Queen is visiting tomorrow. Not Silla's Queen either, but Chila's Queen." I stopped at the rooms door the moment I heard this, I furrowed my brows and listened in. "She's visiting Hwarang so we have to be formal and look like proud warriors, okay?" By the sound of the voice, it was Soo-ho. "I heard this Queen is more prettier than our Queen. We'll see if that is true." He said, I scoffed lightly. "Of course she is prettier..Stupid." I mumbled. "Eaves dropping?" I quickly stood up straight and saw Ji Dwi standing there, he stared at me and I stared at him. 

"Ahh, why do you out of everyone always show up in front of me?" I shook my head and rushed to my room, rubbing at my hair to dry it, he stepped beside me and patted at my shoulder. "Sunwoo saw who pushed you off that bridge, he was walking behind you to try and catch up with you, but...when he saw you go over, he didn't bother to chase after you. I don't blame him, why would he chase after an arrogant girl like you?" He sat down on my bed and stared up at me, I kicked my door shut and pulled the towel off of my head. "If you want your legs to moving tomorrow, I suggest you leave quickly." I smiled innocently at him, "Hm, I think I will risk it. I like hanging out with you now, so you're stuck with me." He looked around and hummed. "It's not fair that you have your own room and I am stuck with sour losers." He commented. 

"Then go find your own room." I responded and sat down on the other bed that was unused in this room I took. "I have, I will move in here. To keep an eye on you, I don't trust you." He said slowly, moving his eyes from me to the door. "Besides, you're quiet when you're not angry." He patted onto the wooden frame of the bed. "Get out." I stared at him, "Excuse me?" He frowned, "I need to get changed....into night gear....So get out." I pointed to the door and he stood up, "You're not telling me I cannot be your room mate? Great, I'll go grab my things whilst you change." He rushed out of the room and I sighed out.

"If he brings anyone else...I'll  kill him." I mumbled as I slipped out of my wet robes and grabbed the night wear ones, they were in a wardrobe that I found in here, 'Perhaps they were expecting more men to join, but only got the bunch they have now.'  I thought as I put the cream coloured night robes on, it was a two piece meaning trousers and a robe-like top. 

He returned with Sunwoo who also held his things messily, I take it they grabbed their stuff as fast as they could. "I brought Sunwoo along, he hates it with the others as well, they always end up fighting." Ji Dwi smiled and placed his things on the bed he claims his. 

Sunwoo put his stuff on the top bunk, whilst I just stared at him. "Okay, prepare yourselves." I rushed to Ji Dwi and slapped him and then I slapped Sunwoo. "WHO SAID YOU COULD BRING SOMEONE ELSE INTO MY ROOM?" I squealed out, "Oh gosh, you've gone and did it now...Your voice cracked and you yelled in the most girlish way ever and not to mention...YOU SQUEALED." Ji Dwi said and shook his head. 

"Just because we're here, do not think we're your friends." Sunwoo said as he slowly slid into his bed, Ji Dwi nodded in agreement with him. "I wouldn't dream of it, once I've finished what I came here to do, we won't have any contact between us. Now, goodnight." I laid down and turned my back from Ji Dwi who faced me. I closed my eyes and sighed out, thinking about how things will possibly turn out. 

I am putting my neck on the line for my mother, whom I love and cherish. She's the only family I have left.  

"Mother, I am only doing this for you, if I lose my head because of you, I will not accept it. I will fight until I have won." I mumbled to myself.  

Ji Dwi's Pov: 

I heard what she had just mumbled, she reminds me of me a bit. But, should I trust her? What is her mission? 

All I know is that the guard said that her mother says she should be the new ruler of Silla, but what is her intentions? Does she want to rule Silla? Silla is mine, I'M the king, not her....

'Kim Arreum, are you good or are you bad? You give off a mixed vibe...' I frowned as I begun to close my eyes. 

A/N: More to come, tomorrow. 

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