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Rated M for language & sexual content.

I don't own Twilight or any of the characters in this Fanfiction. The only thing that is mine is the plot.

Btw: EPOV = Edward's POV, BPOV = Bella's POV, EMPOV = Emmett's POV

Chapter 1


"Come on Eddie, it'll be fun," Emmett teased. He knew I detested the women who batted their eyes & lifted their skirts for some extra change.

Emmett and I had been sharing a college dorm for quite a while.

"I don't think that's the best idea..." I mumbled. "And don't call me that!" I continued.

"Seriously Edward, when was the last time that you got some action?"

"A very pleasant while ago," I sniffed, sour at the slight sting his words caused.

"That's it, you don't have a choice," Emmett stayed with finality. "I'm making you go." I rolled my eyes, but didn't say anything. Emmett, knowing I had given in, gave a cheer of excitement. "Trust me! You won't regret it! I'll invite Jasper and Zach from our history class! This is going to be a blast!" I sighed. I had little interest in Emmett's ideas of 'fun'.

This was going to be a long night.


Boredom was not an uncommon feeling that I dealt with. I almost felt as though boredom and I were becoming friends. Maybe we would have a sleepover. I poured an older, sleezy looking man another drink. He looked at me hungrily. I masked my disgust with a small smile. I was getting pretty good at it, if you asked me. My eyes wandered around the club. I looked from the tables, to the strippers, to the DJ, and then to the door. Time momentarily seemed to stop.

Three men walked into the club. The first was extremely muscular. He looked like a bodybuilder. He had dark brown hair, and wore one of the common 'babe smirks' the drew the whores of the club right in.

The second was tall and lean. He had honey-like hair that curled in every direction. Despite his warm hair, he seemed like one that would be hard to approach. A lone wolf, as some would say.

Finally, a boyish, but somehow still very masculine looking man walked in. He was skinny, but muscular in all the right places. He looked like one of those underwear models that all of the girls drooled over, and crushed on, though they, and everyone else knew that it would never happen.

I was forced to look away when another man that appeared to be in his thirty's asked for another drink of scotch. I poured his drink, distractedly, and spilt some of the liquid onto the floor.

"Shit!" I cursed under my breath. I wiped up the mess, and my vision wandered back onto the three men. The bodybuilder and the bronze haired man seemed to be arguing. The bodybuilder seemed to make a compromise with the underwear model, and pushed him towards... me.

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