Part 35 dominance

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I don't own anything

The battlefield stood silent as everyone stared at the new Doctor fate. Black Adam made his first move as he tried to hit fate but fate simply fell into the shadows. Fate then engulfed his arm in fire and smashed black Adam in the face causing an explosion of fire.

All that was left was a crater with black Adam extremely damaged. Wottan tried his luck only for fate to teleport behind him grabbing him by the throat throwing him through the woods. Fate then teleport above wottan kneeing him in the spine making a large cracking sound. Wottan screamed in pain but fate just kicked his face in knocking him out.

The humanite lunged at fate only for fate to block him with a shield like spell on his arms. ( What doctor strange uses)

Fates cape then grabs humanite by his ankle and smashed him into the ground multiple times. The cape hangs humanite upside down and then continues to smash him into the ground leaving him groaning in pain on the floor.

Ultra humanite: Uuuuuuuhhhh

Ivys plants try to grab him but fate grabs the plants and begins to burn them with his golden fire. Ivy screamed as all her plants were set ablaze. Fate uses his magic to rip out some metal beams and have them encase ivy keeping her from doing anything.

The last one standing was joker who looked as pissed as he could be.

Joker: You ruined everything!! Months of planing and construction down the crapper!!

Joker comes at fate with a crowbar but fate just back hands him sending joker flying into a wall.

Joker groans in pain

Joker: Oooooowwwwwww.

And with that every single villian was single handedly defeated by Doctor fate.

The team gathered around seeing Doctor fate as well as member of the justice league coming through the roof making their appearance.

Batman: What happened?

Robin: Spawn put on the helmet of fate.

Raven: He What?!

Kid: Dude that's a one way trip!!

Zatara: Fate! Release the boy at once!!

Fate: No! As long as I have the hellspawn as my  host my power is increased ten fold. With the amount of argent energy surging through him and my magical prowess. We are the strongest Doctor fate this universe has ever seen!

Superman: That boy is not your slave! Let him go!!

Fate: No,

Fate then looks at the team

Fate: he knew the price he would have to pay in order to save his comrades. At the end of the day it was his decision to make and this was what he chose.

Megan: Thats not fair!! Why does he have to suffer to doing the right thing?!!

Fate: Everything has a price young Martian and this was the price of your victory today.

Superboy: Maybe well just have to rip hat stupid helmet of your damn head!!

Fate: You can try...... but you saw what I did to the injustice league. Dealing with all of you would be clock work.

Raven: Give him back.......

Dark aura was coming off of raven as she gained four red eyes.

Fate: I do not believe that-


Just then a blast of dark energy erupted from raven hitting fate. Everyone got clear out of the way as fate made his shields blocking the attack.  Raven was hitting him with everything as the scenery was starting to become destroyed form the fury of her attack.

However fate was holding his own pushing onward despite ravens strength. Eventually he made his way to raven kicking her into a tree she groaned in pain.

Fate however then fell to the ground as green and red energy circulated from his body. Fates body was fading going back in forth with Spawns as power as blasting through their body.

Fate: You accep-

Spawn: You hurt her!!

Fate: You cannot change fa-

Spawn: Fuck fate!! And most importantly fuck You!!

Then a green blast of energy comes from fate blinding everyone. The helmet of fate is then seen rolling around on the ground as spawn appeared back to normal falling to the ground in exhaustion.

Spawn: And......stay out

Spawn then notices raven and flies towards her

Spawn: Raven! I'm so sorry I-

Raven slaps him in the face.

Raven: Don't you ever! Pull something like that again!

Spawn: But I was just-

Raven slapped him again

Raven: I don't give a damn what you where thinking about!!

Spawn was expecting to get slapped by raven but this time she hugged him.

Raven: Your all I've got, I can't lose you and
neither can sierra.

Spawn: Ok, message received.

The rest of the team as well as the justice league we're staring to get back on their feet.

Batman: What happened?

Zatara: It would seem that thanks to Spawns demonic nature he forced the helmet off of himself.

Batman: I thought that was impossible.

Zatara: It still should be but it seems with Spawns argent energy combined with his willpower had basically forced the helmet off. I'll need to look more into this but this is astonishing. Though nabu must be feeling pretty angry right now.

Off in the distance a small clown was laughing his lungs out.

Violator: HAHAHAHA hehehee. And then he yanks the thing off like it's fucking gum stuck on his head!!! Haha that has gotta be the biggest fuck you nabu has ever been given!! Oh I'm loving you more and more spawny!!

Violator than looks closer at spawn and begins to laugh as golden electricity his crackling in him without anyone else noticing.

Violator: And he even took some of fates power!! Oh this is fucking rich!!

Also off to the distance

Eddie: So that's the new guy living at the woodlands?

Snow: Yes

Eddie: Well, he looks like one tough son of a bitch.

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