Straykids Chanjin: Gummy Bear

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Hyunjin and I have shared a room since stray kids Debut, and nothing has changed besides us. same beds, same pillows, everything. Though today when I was sitting watching drama shows with Bangchan a screech can from my room. I hurried over worried about what happened when I found Hyunjin curled up around his phone on my bed. "Why are you curled up?" He looked at me for a moment then showed me his screen, one of my baby photos, some how my brother sent them to him. "WHY ARE YOU SO CUTE?" I laughed casually before diving for the phone, he flipped over and held the phone out of reach, him being like 3 foot taller than me, got the height advantage. I sat on top of him panting, "give. me. the. phone." I said calmly. he laughed before clicking something on his phone and my phone got a notification, did he just?

"OH MY GOD IS THIS Y/N" I heard Felix yell from outside the room. I turned back to Hyunjin, "your dead". We rolled around for 10 minutes me jabbing his at every chance and him still holding his phone out of reach. Eventually I got tired and let my guard down, allowing him to catch me for once. He wrapping his arms tightly around me, holding my body still. "can I make up for your adorable childhood with gummy bears?" he asked, his voice suddenly softer. I nodded. His arms loosened but I stayed, He was warm, I cant help it, I swear im cold blooded or something. Our manager walked in to the room, eyes widening as he took in the scene. Two boys in a room with blankets and pillows thrown everywhere, back hugging. Trust me, he sees this a lot. "Clean up, we have the first day of shooting the MV to get done" he walked away without another backward glance.
As the car pulled up to the site Jeongin was first out of the van, followed by Bangchan and the others. Immediately we started, working through the choreography effortlessly. Now we had to film individual shots, we all walked a little bit away around the van. Chanbin was working hard on acting lately. We stood in a rough circle, laughing, joking, basically having fun. One of the staff members was filming us behind the scenes. I shivered a little as a breeze kicked up dirt around us, Bangchan suddenly came up behind me wrapping the edges of his long jacket around me so we were hugging. I turned and leaned my head into his neck, placing my arms around his waist. We swayed along to the song being distantly played for every individual shot. He began humming in my ear, smiling I joined him, creating a small humming orchestra of two. Hyunjin walked behind Bangchan and I hugging so i could see him, he smiled before feeding me a gummy then walking away again. "He gave you a gummy bear didn't he?" I nodded, my hair brushing his chin. His hand came up and stroked my hair before resuming our mindless spinning.

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