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"And I need to make a video with you, why?" Colby questioned me as he watched me set up my camera on the tripod in front of the two chairs that I had just set up in front of it.

"A lot of my subscribers have been wanting you to make a video with me so that's what we're going to do!" I explain, turning on the camera and taking a seat. I gesture to the seat beside me. "Sit." He sighs and does as I said but grumbles a bit as he does so.

"What are we doing, then?" He said, glancing at the camera.

"We're gonna see how well you know me and our friendship!" I exclaim, grinning over at him. He frowns, a deep crease forming between his brows.

"Is this supposed to make me look like a bad bff?" I laughed and leaned over to flick his cheek before reaching for my phone, where I have taken screenshots of what questions I wanted to ask.

"It's not a quiz, boo, just for fun to see if you remember little things here and there. I'm sure you'll be fine." Colby takes a deep breath and lets it out as he nods. I turn to the camera and begin my introduction. "Hey everyone! Today is the day we've all been waiting for, the day that Colby has finally joined me for a video! and it's not a pranking one!!". " I asked you guys to send me some questions to ask him about me and our friendship so let's see how he does! Nervous?" You look over at Colby who smirks and shrugs.

"Let's get it" I laugh and nod, looking down at my phone screen for the first question.

"Alright," I begin. "we'll start easy, shall we?" Colby nods. "Where did we meet?" I ask him. He actually breaks into a grin.

"at an abandoned mall where you scared the living shit outta me and sam," I laugh, knowing full well that he was right.

"Too right. I was making noises and all then boom, I started chasing them." Colby shakes his head but gives a small laugh, his one dimple making an appearance. "Next question is... What was the first thing you ever gave me?" I knew as soon as I saw that smirk on his face what his answer was going to be.

"Besides my heart?" He questions, tilting his head to the side a bit, bringing one large hand up to his chest. I break into a loud laugh and shove him a little with my arm, getting an even bigger grin. "Okay, but actually... a McDonald meal...or should we count my hoodies?"

"both since I love them" I nodded my head, remembering all too well that moment.

"I'm pretty sure I cried," I said, making him laugh and nod.

"you cried over two fucking cheeseburgers and a large fry, Kali like what the hell" Colby said while I busted out laughing and punching his shoulder. "you know I love McDonald's "

"lowkey an obsession," he said while looking at me, "I think that's all we're going to do today. "You guys got some good stories out of us so I hope you enjoyed. I'll try and get him to do another video with me sometime that is not a pranking one. See you in the next one!"

"Bye!" Colby brings his free hand,up in a wave before I stand and shut off the camera.

"That wasn't so bad now was it?" I asked as I turn back to him. He smiles and reaches out for me, pulling me back over to him and into his lap. I smiled down at him, my arms wrapping around his neck while his find their way around my waist.

"it was fun but need to be spicier, spill some tea." He says, causing me to give a nod. "Nah spilling tea is for next weeks video" I laughed.

I sat up on his lap while straddling him playing with the hem of his shirt, "you look cute today, forgot to tell you" he said while messing with the strings of my ripped leggings.

"Aww thanks boo," I said while laying down on his chest and looking up at him. "you always look good" and he said thanks in response, I could something was different and next thing you know I felt a pair of hands on my face and lips on my lips. Holy shit I'm kissing my best friend.

Our noses brushed against one another as Colby tiled his head deepening the kiss. His hands gently pushed my shirt up and rested on my waist. His fingers soothingly stroked my bare skin. My trembling hands rested on flat his chest. A low moan erupted from him as I caressed his soft skin. I felt breathless but unable to tear myself from his addictive lips.

His lips moved to my jaw, then my neck, showering its length with kisses. He stopped at the based of my neck. His lips parted as he teased my sensitive skin. One of his hands slipped further under my shirt stroking the length of my back causing a soft moan to escape me. I felt his lips curve into a soft smile. He leaned back away from me. I glanced towards his face to see him admiring my neck. Specifically, the spot where his lips had been a few seconds ago.

Feeling self-conscious, my hand reached to cover the spot Colby was staring at. One of his hands grasped it while his other hand wrapped completely around my bare waist pulling my body flush against his. His eyes locked on mine setting my body ablaze. He intertwined our fingers, leaning his forehead against mine.

"You might be my best friend but you have no idea how badly I want to throw you on that bed and have you in every way you can imagine..."

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