Prowl X Reader

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It was a boring day, nothing special, and everyone was doing their natural thing.

Bumblebee and Sari are playing video games, Optimus is sharpening his axe, and Ratchet is trying something new on the med-bay. Probably a new gadget.

You could hear grumbles and curses from the med-bay, and the clanking of metal against metal could be heard through the entire base, and some curses were in Cybertronian while most were in the human language. You flinched when you heard metal clanking together furiously the third time, and decided that you should check up on him.

"Ratchet? Is something wrong? Did another gadget go wrong or break? We know how much you need your stuff."
He grumbled, and turned toward you, your optics widened like baseballs, and you almost couldn't contain your laughter. Ratchet had spilled a pink liquid all over himself, and it almost covered him head to toe.
"This isn't a laughing matter, girl! This stupid gadget doesn't even work! It just splattered all over me!"
You sighed and picked up the paint can.
"Ratchet, this is a paint can, a human thing, it's used to paint houses and other wooden things, it's not a gadget. The reason it exploded all over you was because you hit it too hard."


You face palmed, and walked out of the med-bay, a newfound swagger in your step as you thought you were smarter than Ratchet for knowing that a paint can isn't a Cybertronian gadget. You walked passed Prowls berthroom and heard constant mumbling. You opened the crack to the door just enough that you could see, and you saw Prowl meditating, and talking to himself. You heard who he was talking about, it was you.

You walked up to Prowl and sat down, and tried to impersonate him, copying every move. He began to do some Japanese fighting techniques, and you looked at him with a confusion on your faceplate. You tried to copy, but you fell on your aft. That awoke him from his meditation.
"Y/N? What are you doing?"
You blushed a light blue, and pushed yourself off the ground. "Nothing, just trying some things you were trying to do, I failed, though."
He chuckled slightly, and grabbed your wrist.
"Would you like me to show you?"
You nodded eagerly, and he began to move your body in the way he was just moving his, telling you the techniques and the name of them, and on no time you could almost do all of them.

"Perfect, Y/N. You are probably the best pupil I have tried to train so far, you learn very quickly. Is being a ninja in your blood? Or maybe it's your flexibility, it's not my decision about what is your future, you decide on your own."
You blushed and looked flustered. "Aw it's nothing, really! I actually was thinking about becoming a ninja. But I don't think I'd be able to learn without your help, Prowl. Thank you."
He nodded and blushed slightly, and mumbled something under his breath. You raised an invisible eyebrow and looked at him.
"What was that?"
Prowl looked at you, and immediately lost his voice.
"Oh, it's uh, nothing Y/N. Just thinking of something." 
A look of unsureness flashed across your faceplates, and he looked at you like he was trying to eagerly get you away from him before anything became worse. You decided to push his buttons.
"Are you sure? You seem flustered."
He blushed madly, turned around, and cussed himself out. You then heard him say 'Here goes nothing,' and you raised another invisible eyebrow.
"Prowl? What're yo-"
Your sentence was cut off by Prowl smashing his lips to yours, and him grabbing your waist and securely keeping you on place as he kissed you. You moaned against the kiss as he fought your glossa for dominance. He of course, won.

You breathing came in short gaps, and you wiped the saliva off your lips, and you looked at him nonchalantly. He began to think he did the wrong thing, but you ran up to him and gave him a tight hug. It was a loving embrace, something that meant to a lot of people on Cybertron. Once you became engaged with someone, you cannot leave them, for it was supposed to be true love. Prowl began to hug back, and you mumbled something only you could hear.

"I love you."

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