12: Unwritten Job Description

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"Hoseok said it's down there," Namjoon said, leaning forward in his seat. They'd been driving for half an hour since separating from the bus, and Jimin had been quiet the whole time. It was obvious that he was worried about his wife, but when he finally spoke, Namjoon was surprised.

"Does it seem like I hate him?" He said, his hands gripping the wheel tightly, "Does everyone think I only care about Bee?"

Namjoon raised his eyebrows, "Sarge, I just don't think they understand you,"

"That's not what I asked,"

"Well, to me it's obvious you care about everyone. You just don't show it. The only person I've seen you show affection to is Bee, but that's understandable,"

Jimin sighed, "Joon, I'm asking as your friend. I might be in charge of this new place, but technically I'm not Sergeant Park Jimin of the Ghosts anymore. I'm just Jimin,"

Namjoon shook his head, "To me, you'll always be the Sergeant. You've saved my ass so many times, I'm not gunna suddenly stop following your orders,"

"Why would Hoseok think I hate him?"

"Hoseok thinks differently to us," Namjoon answered, "He is cautious and careful, which is a good thing, but he's too guarded around us and won't open up. We don't even know where he came from, or what it was like when he was there. He might have some past trauma that prevents him from connecting with others,"

Jimin glanced at him and chuckled a little, "When did you get so smart?"

Namjoon grinned widely, "I'm just copying what I overheard Bee saying to Taehyung when she was trying to stop him from killing him that time,"

Jimin rolled his eyes, "Joon, seriously,"

"Hey, I'm smart Sarge, I just don't show people. Just how you don't show people you care. It's an unwritten part of the job description,"

Jimin frowned, "What do you mean?"

"Well, a Private, even if you're part of the Ghosts, have to follow orders. We just have to do what we're told all the time, we aren't supposed to voice out our opinions. And the CO's have to remain calm and in control the whole time. You can't be weakened by emotions and affections towards other people or it will impair your judgement. People who aren't part of the army won't understand that, but just because we don't show those extra traits of ours doesn't mean we don't have them," 

He paused for a second, letting Jimin process the information, "Take Yoongi, for example. He was a Lieutenant in the army, so he doesn't have a problem with sharing his opinion, but he still follows you because you outrank him. Just like you, he only shows affection towards one person,"

"Jungkook," Jimin said, "Yeah, you're completely right,"

There was silence between them for a moment before Namjoon spoke again, "I know you care, Sarge. Bee knows you care, and I know that Taehyung is aware of it, even if he isn't too bothered,"

"Talking of Taehyung," Jimin said, "I'm a bit concerned. He's been too serious lately. It's dangerous,"

Namjoon nodded, "I'll keep an eye on him. He could snap at any moment,"

"Good. We're here," 

Jimin pulled the car to the side of the road outside a large pharmacy and took a folded piece of paper from his pocket.

"This is the medication we get first. After that, we will grab everything else and fill the car, just in case we need them later,"

"Yes, Sarge,"

Both men got out of the car and drew their knives. There were a few dead ones tottering around on the drive there, so they didn't want to get unwanted attention by firing their gun and call all the dead ones in the area to them.

Namjoon peered through the dirty, blood smeared and cracked glass into the pharmacy.

"There are four inside, that I can see," He said, "Three are lying on the ground not moving, and one is just standing at the back,"

Jimin nodded, "Alright, follow the usual protocol,"

"Yes, Sir," Namjoon said, and reached for the handle. He pushed the door open, and a little bell that was hanging from the ceiling dinged. All four dead ones turned their heads, and with moans, began to move towards them.

Jimin and Namjoon immediately separated, going for the rotting, decomposing bodies that came for them first. Before the dead ones could even reach for them, they were falling to the ground and the pair were disposing of the next two.

They both grabbed a basket from the front of the store and headed to the back. The shelves and drawers were looking a little barer than they were hoping for, but they quickly found the medication they were after and filled the baskets.

"Here, Sarge," Namjoon grabbed a pile of plastic bags from under the counter and handed some to Jimin, so they could both sweep things from the shelves into the bags.

"Ah, before I forget," Jimin muttered, reaching for some condoms and throwing them in too. Namjoon raised an eyebrow.

"Isn't it a bit late for that?" He grinned, "The Mrs is already-"

"Well, we don't want Daisy getting pregnant too, do we?" Jimin snapped, his face flushing pink, "We all know that she and Jin are at that stage,"

Namjoon just continued to grin as he stuffed medication into the bags.

"Jesus Christ," Jimin groaned, "Stop that,"

"Sure thing, Sarge," Namjoon said, the grin still on his face, "Why don't you grab some of the other things from the pleasure section?"

"I will shoot you, asshole,"

Namjoon laughed and lifted up his bags, "I think everything is-"

He was cut off by the sound of an engine roaring. Both men dropped the bags and crept to the front of the store, pulling their guns out.

"Son of a bitch!" Jimin cried as the car they had just minutes climbed out of sped off down the street, "Someone stole the fucking car!"

"Shit!" Namjoon rushed out of the pharmacy, his gun pointed, but Jimin pulled his arm down.

"There's no point," He said, "They're gone,"

"Now what?" Namjoon asked, turning to face Jimin, "We're stranded,"


AN: I hope you're enjoying so far!

A quick thing, some of the winners of the mini competition haven't replied to me, so please check your DMs to make sure you haven't got a message from me!

Anyway, the next part is here, so if you want to be in the Book of Bumbly's answer this question!

What is your favourite scene from The Cure series so far? It can be from either book, something huge or a minor scene, let me know here!

I will choose some more people to be in the book!

Don't forget to go and check it out, and suggest people you want to be featured in the intro! I love doing it, it's super fun to interract with you guys, so please go and check it out and get to know each other better!

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