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"Annyeong Haseyo"
no words came into my mouth since I'm still shocked to see a person here. And he's still waving at me like an idiot.

"Hey" I replied and smiled awkwardly for I dont know if I should run as fast as I can or just knock him out using my bag. And I just decided not to move an inch.

"I'm sorry to disturb your sleep miss, this is my usual spot when I'm singing my music like every night alone, didn't saw you before, are you new here?" I didnt give much attention to what he is talking about. I just nod and get my bag, stood up and leave. Before I made my way.

"Wait" he announced and I turned to face him.
"I can share my spot since you came here first" I narrowed my eyebrows confused of what he is talking about. He taps the empty part of the grass "sit" he said, well more like a command.

"No, thanks" I answer quietly and bow down before turning back at him.

"I insist, it's a first to have someone in here, please?"
I wryly nodded my head and awkwardly sat in front of him. His eyes sparkles and shows amusement.

"Yay! I have company for tonight. Would you like me to play a song for you?" I just smile a little to show that it's fine with me. "Do you prefer ballad or like a little up beat or something cheerful like a nursery rhyme or" he babbles a lot.

"play anything you like" I interrupted him since he talks a lot. SO MUCH

"Wow, thats the longest line I've ever heard from you. You have such a great voice, I think you could sing or you like music or playing instrument or anything music related" here we go again. His non stop babbling.

"Oh sorry. If I talk too much, its just that, I'm not used having someone listening to my music in this place like literally-
"You can start now " yes I interrupted him again. Because I think there will be no singing if I wont interrupt him.

"Okay! here we go" he smile again brightly and showed his dimples.

As soon as he started strumming, my eyes averted his gaze since I don't do so much eye contact to anyone. I look above and stare at the stars while listening to him.

     I am tired of this place
    I hope people change
    I need time to replace
       what I gave away
    And my hopes,
        they are high,
    I must keep them small
    Though I try to resist
    I still want it all

    I see swimming pools
          and living rooms
          and aeroplanes
    I see a little house
          on the hill
          and children's names
     I see quiet nights poured
          over ice and Tanqueray
      But everything is shattering
           and it's my mistake

      Only fools fall for you, only fools
      Only fools do what I do, only fools fall
      Only fools fall for you, only fools
      Only fools do what I do, only fools fall


I didn't realize that I was staring at him since he was closing his eyes singing the entire song.
"It was good wasnt it?" He proudly asked and smiled as he put his guitar on his side.

"Yes it was" I calmy answered his question.
"That's it? Any another adjectives you can add? Or maybe a pat in my head?" he laughed after saying those words in monotonous sound and i laugh along the way. And interrupted by the ring of my phone.

'Mom Calling'

I was about to end the call and ignore it but my eyes glance at the clock
"Shit" I hurriedly get my bag and fix my shoelace.

"Is there something wrong?" He also panick not knowing what's happening.

"Its 3:47, and my mom's gonna kill me" he laugh a little bit. I just stood, fix my hair and run as fast as I can.

I still hear him shouting asking my name but didn't have the chance to answer him since I rush going home.

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