Girl meets boy

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Sometimes life doesn’t always go like how you expected it to. At least for me, that’s pretty true, ever since I met Josh Bradley. I’m a freshman at Lakeview High School, and I’m crazy in love with the boy that I just mentioned. He’s also a freshman, and we have English together. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking: “She’s a freshman in high school, how can she know anything about love?” Everybody tells me that. Nobody ever takes the time to consider how I feel and what I want. He’s the type of guy that’s kind of hard not to notice. He’s tall, about 5’10’’. Considering his age, it means he towers over most of the boys in my graduating class. All the guys are a bunch of midgets, in my opinion. Then again, I’m not exactly that tall either. I’m about 5’2’’, maybe that’s why Josh seems like such a giant to me. I really like tall guys; I’ve always had a thing for them, like any other girl. Josh is attractive to me, not just because of his height, but because of his appearance in general. His medium-length dark brown hair is so adorable when he shakes it out, and when he flips his hair. Josh’s eyes are so gorgeous; they’re a beautiful mahogany shade. It actually reminds me of chocolate, and sometimes I get hungry when look at them. I feel like such a weirdo saying that, but I’m sure every girl has had some kind of mind-boggling crush that has changed everything.

Anyways, back to Josh. He’s also slim, not too muscly, just a bit toned. He’s on our school’s track team. He usually has meets on the weekends, and practices all the time after school. His passion for running is really admirable. I wish I had that kind of passion for something. Anything. I’ve never liked running that much. I hate running the mile in gym. It always reminds me of how much I sucked at it in middle school. Good thing that’s over with. I’m never going back there. Ever again. It makes me shudder just thinking of it. Let’s go back to high school now, that seems like the best thing right now. I’m going to take you back to the day that I first met Josh. It was the first day of school, a Monday, that wasn’t really too exciting or anything. My schedule was probably a clone of every other freshman’s classes. Everybody had to take a bunch of required classes before they could do any of the fun ones. Plus, I figured I should just get them over with freshman and sophomore year, so I could have more fun during my last two years of high school, when it actually mattered. My schedule looked like this: a boring white sheet of printer paper containing my name on the top right corner: Riley Sullivan and my ID number 736219.

My day was supposed to start out with Algebra. That totally sucks. I have a passion for hating math. I’ve always been terrible at it. I just don’t get, there’s way too many numbers for me to understand. It just ends up giving me a headache whenever I try to do it. 2nd period brings me to Global Studies. It’s a class about people from around the world. Good thing I’m not taking geography. I’m bad with maps. 3rd period for me is gym. Freshman P.E. was bound to be a nightmare, since I’m terrible at any sport involving a ball. The only sport that I’m actually decent at is dance. Dance has always been fun for me. The rest of my classes were ordered like this: fourth period-Study Hall, fifth-Earth Science, sixth-lunch, seventh-Study Hall, eighth-French I, and ninth-English 101. At least I had English to look forward to, since it’s my favorite class. I’ve always liked reading and writing. I’m glad I got to school early this morning, since I was having some issues with my locker when I went to register. It really hates me. I’m convinced that my locker will never, ever work. I hope it does today, though, because I’ll be really pissed off if it doesn’t. I walk into Lakeview High School, and the first thing that I notice is all of the pale blue lockers. They’re all pretty ugly looking. There’s also a bunch of pictures hanging up above the lockers. All of these pictures include cheerleaders, pommies, football players, homecoming queens, and no one geeky whatsoever. It was only people who popular who got to be up on the walls at school. It made me annoyed just looking at it. There are actually other people in this world besides those categories. Where’s the 90 % of the school? Not up on the wall, obviously. I walk over to my pale blue locker that’s pretty dull on the outside, but quite exciting on the inside. I decorated it myself at registration. I put a collage of pictures up inside my locker. I have a few pictures of me and my friend, Caleb Young. He’s a really nice guy; we’ve been friends ever since I can remember. I first met him when I was in fourth grade. We happened to be in the same class that year, and we hit it off really well. He’s easygoing, relaxed, and pleasant to be around.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2012 ⏰

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