Part 20 | Date

345 24 1

10: 25am
- Saturday -

Okay I got to get ready now, I can't believe it's our first date.. I didn't think Hoshi would be my first boyfriend to be honest haha~ I was putting my make up on which took so long to do cause I kept messing up. I finally finished at 11 and chose what to wear, which took long too, I didn't know what to wear :( I almost took an hour but I finally chose something and it was just a simple outfit. I checked the time and it was 12:45 pm I ran downstairs to go put my shoes on and left the house. Okay he told me to meet up at the cafe which is only 12 minutes to get there ugh why does it have to be so far? 😣

I finally got there at exactly 1pm but he still isn't here I mean he walks pretty slow so it's not his fault haha~ I just stood outside and waited till he came, suddenly I felt something hug me from behind and I knew it was him :)

Hoshi: who do you think it is?~
(Y/N): a person that is slow name Hoshi?~
Hoshi: well your right haha, sorry I'm late 😣
(Y/N): it's only 1:06 it's alright haha~

I turned around and the first thing I see is he had his hair up which looked kinda hot which i tried not stare at him that long because he would probably make fun of me haha~ but I stared at him for 5 seconds because i was amazed on how he looked like and I think he noticed but didn't say anything.

Hoshi: eyyy you look so cute and pretty!!😆
(Y/N): shut up~ you look cute too
Hoshi: I don't like being called cute
(Y/N): well you are so get used to it
Hoshi: am I handsome? 😏
(Y/N): no your not
Hoshi: ouch that hurts 😞
(Y/N): just kidding~ of course you are!
Hoshi: I know I am ;) anyways do you wanna go eat first or go to the park first?
(Y/N): lets go eat first~
Hoshi: as expected, where do you wanna eat?
(Y/N): I don't know you pick
Hoshi: alright then lets go to a BBQ restaurant~
(Y/N): okay lets go!

We walked to the restaurant which was closer then I thought, it's a good thing I didn't have to walk that much I hate walking 😔 we went in and found a place to sit and we ordered a lot 😅 especially Hoshi honestly this kid never feels full haha.. I ordered a little bit since he was the one that was paying and I didn't want him to spend a lot of money... we where just talking about random stuff until our food came, let me tell you the table was full of food 😅 I kind felt bad but it was mostly his food haha..

(Y/N): wow you ordered a lot haha~
Hoshi: I know I love to eat I can't help it~ but I have to go on a diet since our manager told us too.. so I have to take the last bite of good delicious food 😓
(Y/N): why do you have to go on a diet when your already skinny enough???
Hoshi: I don't know..
(Y/N): please don't.. I want you to eat more I don't your cheeks to disappear 😭
Hoshi: haha~ don't worry I'll try to eat secretly then~
(Y/N): good, I need to talk to these managers 😤
Hoshi: nah it's fine don't worry~
(Y/N): is it hard to be a trainee?
Hoshi: yeah.. it's stressful and tiring the first few months was hard but then I got used it
(Y/N): make sure to take rests okay? Also hope you debut soon you deserve it!
Hoshi: i will thank you babe~ 😘
(Y/N): no problem babe~ 😘

We continued eating till we were finished and i took a picture of him quickly while he was eating cause he looked cute, also the way he eats is like a hamster haha~ 😆💕

We continued eating till we were finished and i took a picture of him quickly while he was eating cause he looked cute, also the way he eats is like a hamster haha~ 😆💕

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Fake Love | Hoshi x Reader | Completed Where stories live. Discover now