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I was wiping the floor while humming to BIGBANG's Bad Boy. My parents are at the market while grandma is out with her friends which leaves me to clean up the house. I just finished wiping the floor and sighed out while feeling the sweat that dropped down from my forehead.

"A cold bath will do." I hummed and entered the bathroom. Once I was done I changed into my white shirt and shorts while wiping my hair with the towel around my neck.

As I was walking towards the kitchen I fell down on the floor in shock as Soohyuk suddenly appeared in front of me covered with dirt and bruises.

"I just cleaned the floor!" I yelled at him in anger, he grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me towards him roughly. "Shut the fuck up bunny!" Soohyuk hissed at me.

I suddenly felt lightweighted and dizzy, soon I was no longer in my grandmother's home instead I was inside a big luxurious room.

"What the hell?" I glared at Soohyuk as he fell down holding his stomach, "S-Soohyuk hyung?" I muttered out and held him up, "Stop... go to Y/N... she needs you right now." He groaned out pushing me away.


I turned towards the bed and felt my heart drop, she was laying down on the bed covered with bruises and blood on her clothes. "Cupcake?" I ran towards her side and held her hands, I flinched at how cold her hands are. It's colder than usual.

"What happened to her?" I asked Soohyuk who sat up as he leaned against the wall, "She used up all her energy, she needs blood." He breathed out and clenched his eyes close, my eyes landed on Y/N again and gulped.

Sliding my hands under her back, I quickly held her up and brought her head close to my neck. "Cupcake, drink." I said, I felt her stirred and breathed out my name,


"Drink up." I said, she shook her head and weakly pushed me away. "No, I can't." Y/N mutterred out.

"Just drink up Y/N! I don't want you to leave me!" I shouted and looked at her straight in the eyes, "You are not going to die, not on my watch. So don't be stubborn and just drink!" I said, Y/N sighed out and pulled me close holding my nape in place.

I gulped and closed my eyes, soon I felt a stinging pain on my neck. I clenched my fist as I could feel Y/N sucking on my blood slowly and I shivered when I felt her tongue glide against my skin.

I felt her fangs pulled out as her tongue ran on my wound, "Thank you Kookie." She whispered and just like that she was out cold. I gently put her back down on the bed and glanced over a knocked out Soohyuk.



I jolted up in shock and groaned out tiredly. How long was I out? I looked around and noticed I was in my room, Soohyuk was nowhere to be found.

I remember killing that creature and scared the underworld lord back to where he and his soldiers came from. Though, I got seriously injured by the both of them. I widened my eyes in realisation.


I looked around and spotted the said boy sleeping on the sofa near the window, I sighed out in relief before getting off the bed and walked towards him. I watched as his chest went up and down slowly, his lips parted slightly as a soft snore escaped from it. His fringes covered his eyes but he looked unbelievably handsome.

My eyes went to his lips once again, I didn't realized I was staring until I could see Jungkook shift a bit. "Jungkook, wake up." I gently pushed his shoulder, Jungkook opened his eyes and frowned before lifting up his head to look at me.


I smiled but that fell when he suddenly gave me a tight hug, "THANK GOD YOU'RE OKAY!" He cried out, "Yes I'm okay... you?" I asked him as soon as he pulled away from the hug, Jungkook gave me his smile.

"I'm fine! Anyways, it seemed that your bruises and all are healed. I'm glad." He replied with that smile that made my heart do weird shit. "Let me see." I said and brought my hands up to trace the skin of his neck, I didn't see or feel any holes and let out a sigh of relief. Just as I was about to pull my hand away Jungkook grabbed my wrist and I looked at his eyes.

His gaze was hard and strong on me and it made me feel nervous. My heart is beating fast and my face felt warm, we both didn't say anything instead just staring each other deeply.

"Y/N... I-I." Jungkook bit his lips nervously and my other hand went to pull his bottom lip down from his teeth, "Yes?" I whispered, our faces moved closer and closer and I could feel his hot breath fanning my lips.

Until the door opened by none other of Soohyuk.


We both pulled away and I could hear Jungkook cursing underneath his breath, "Seriously Soohyuk oppa?" I rolled my eyes and stood up to walk towards Soohyuk, "By the way Jungkook, you can clean up in the bathroom. I'll have the maids send you Soohyuk's clothes. If you're done you can come down for breakfast." I told him and pulled the still gapping Soohyuk with me.

"You fucking cockblock."

***This story is coming to an end soon 😧

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This story is coming to an end soon 😧

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