Chapter 1

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I knew I had two personalities, I had known ever since my virgin eyes accidentally found themselves staring at porn for the first time, and BDSM porn at that.  At 21, I have known about my secret other side for going on 6 years now.  Unfortunately, there is no conclusive proof, no tested evidence of my other personality.  I am still a virgin, and before you draw your own conclusions about my religious beliefs, personality, or physical attributes I can assure you that it is by choice.  Yes, that other side of me has the sick idea that my virginity should be only for my husband, or in her mind, master.  He already owns me, and de facto my virginity.

It is finally my last year of college and I cannot wait to get out into the real world, just two more semesters.  Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed my time here, but I have never been one for parties or heavy drinking.  I prefer to spend my time with a few select friends, have a beer or two while watching a game, and make memories which I can actually remember in the morning.  I have been drunk before, so I can say with 100% certainty that I do not enjoy it, I hate losing control. At least my non-sexual personality hates losing control, I cannot speak for the sexual side.           

I hate to say it, but I've spent the majority of my college career, the so-called 'best days of my life' in the library.  You can't hold a 3.9 while being a double major in Accounting and Finance if you're drunk.  In addition to my school work I work as a Undergrad T.A. teaching the intro Accounting classes, I don't get paid for it, but it takes a load off of my tuition which is worth more than any paycheck.  I would like to say that I love my majors, but I can't.  I wanted to be a History major, but I realized before I started college that I like money way too much to be a History major.  Accounting and Finance are profitable and, at least Accounting, have pretty stable job markets.  I already have a job lined up for after school working at one of the big Accounting firms, unfortunately my job relies on passing the CPA so that just adds to my workload...

Before I delve too much into all of my personal problems and deviant desires in my online blog, which I had just started and doubt I'd ever touch again, it's time for me to get to class. At 3pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays I have "Advanced Financial Derivatives."  Aside from a 5:30pm accounting class on auditing it was my only class on those days, everything else, even my TA job for intro to financial accounting was Monday/Wednesday. 

I regret for about the twentieth time today signing up for this grad level class, heck it could be a PhD class - do people get doctorates in this stuff?  I pass a few friends in the hall on the way to my room and ask them about it, they literally just laugh at me for even thinking about signing up.  It's not exactly like I had a choice, I need x amount of hours to be eligible for the CPA, it's not my fault that I tested out of half the undergrad classes here.  Sure enough, I enter the classroom and everyone looks at least mid to late twenties.  Fuck I say under my breath as I take my normal seat, two rows in and center. 

"Are you in the right class, babe?" 

I look up and the douchiest looking character is staring down at me with an amused grin on his attractive douche face.

"I think there's a communications class next door, is that what you were looking for?"

Is this guy for real right now?  Don't get me wrong, I am in no way a feminist, but seriously?  In his defense, there aren't many girls that stick it out in Finance, based on the demographics of the classroom even less stick it out in graduate school, but still.  I sure as hell am not paying what I pay in tuition just to get a Mrs degree and find a husband.

"Oh my, see, I told daddy that he needed to teach me more words so I could read my schedule, but he told me 'Allie, reading is for your husband.'  Could you please tell me where I should be?"  I hand him my schedule with my sarcastic grin on my face, to my surprise he actually takes it from me.

"What the --, how are you going to function with this schedule."  He looks up at me again.  "Sorry, I just, you know how girls are down here, I never see them actually giving a crap about school.  I'm Dylan by the way, it's great to meet you....Allie, did you say?"

"Yeah, that's me.  Nice to meet you as well." Have I mentioned before how much I don't like talking to most people?

Dylan and I talked for a while longer, I still wasn't a huge fan, but you need study buddies in these type of classes.  Dylan seemed intelligent when he wasn't discussing the intellectual capacities of the female brain.   I knew I would need all the help I could get, so I had to put my initial revulsion aside.  Besides, if I ignored his sexism he was pretty attractive, blonde hair, blue eyes, tall and muscular.  Not exactly my type, but attractive nonetheless.

"Good Morning, let's begin."  I snapped my head away from my conversation with Dylan to who's body that intoxicating voice belonged to.  It was deep, rough, and made me want to jump its owner.  My eyes were met by the most attractive professor I had ever seen in my life, so attractive that I would have mistaken him for an underwear model if I came across him on the street.  He was tall, at least 6 foot 5, sandy blonde hair, bright green eyes, and had the body of a swimmer.  This man was my type.  This man was more than my type.  His eyes skimmed the room of us, landing on me briefly, I could have sworn I saw the corners of his mouth frown slightly upon seeing me.  Great, another man wondering if I'm in the right classroom.  He must be a new professor, surely, I would have remembered seeing him before.

"I'm Dr. Grayson, I'll call roll then we'll get right into the first chapter.  You will have to read the syllabus on your own, if you can't handle that, and the assignment load on it, you should drop the class now."

Fantastic, just splendid, I thought to myself as I found the syllabus on the course website.  The amount of papers this man assigned should be against the Student Senate rules or something.  Granted, most students don't take 18 hours nor T.A. as much as I do. 

Dr. Grayson began ticking off names in alphabetical order. Dylan was one of the first up, but I had to wait as Dr. Grayson worked his way down the list. 

"Allegra Palleviana"

"Here" I said quietly

"You probably didn't even have to say anything, you're the only XX chromosome in the room."  Dylan teased next to me, "You're the lamb with the wolves."

"Mr. Barton, did you have something to add to the class?"  Questioned Professor Grayson

"No, Sir" Dylan quickly responded. 

"Ms. Palleviana, see me after class, we have some things to discuss."  Professor Grayson directed at me, the way his eyes pierced me prevented me from breaking eye contact with him.  I almost forgot to respond I was so lost.

"Yes, Sir" I gulped.  That's when the corners of his mouth went up just ever so slightly.

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