Chapter 6

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"What did I tell you baby?"  I was in a bedroom, but it wasn't mine. This bedroom had a very masculine tone; dark furniture, grey walls, nothing in here looked the least bit comforting or familiar.  I was bent over the bed, my ass was sticking out and my hands were tied together in front of my head.  I wasn't restrained besides my hands but he was behind me which immobilized me with fear all by itself. "Are you going to answer me, baby?  What did I tell you about talking to that boy?"  He practically spit out the word boy, he sounded so disgusted.

"You...You said not to talk to him." I whimpered in response.  As soon as the sentence left my mouth I heard a woosh and a stinging slap landed on my left ass cheek. 

"Is that the proper way to address your master?" He growled at me.

"I...I...I'm s..sorry, Sir.  You said not to talk to him, Sir."  I braced for another spank but it did not come, at least not yet.

"Good girl.  But you did talk to him didn't you?  Not only that but you went to a party with him, a party where everyone saw my property with another man.  What do you think would be an appropriate punishment for such a horrible transgression baby?  I was thinking 30 spankings but I think you might enjoy that too much, you're already dripping wet from just one."

I gasped, not a gasp of fear but a gasp of desire.  My core was pulsing with need.  I wanted him, I needed him, I was dripping wet for him. 

"That's my good girl, your little pussy is already preparing itself for me, isn't it?"

"Yes sir, please sir, punish my ass. I'll do anything Dr. Grayson. You're submissive is very sorry for being a very bad girl and will take whatever punishment Sir sees fit."

There are not enough "Nopes" in all of "Nopedom."  As soon as the erotic dreams stop, one stupid supply closet incident starts them all up again. All I want is to be able to get a decent night's sleep without having an erotic dream about a professor, is that so much to ask?  I was letting him get into my head and it had to stop, otherwise who knew how much worse these dreams would get, they were already progressing to where I was further and further under his control.  

Maybe Em was right, maybe I should just sleep with him and get it out of my system. He wasn't technically my professor any more, so what could the school really do to me if they found out?  But just the idea of doing a one night stand had me shuddering.  I wanted my virginity to be for my husband, both my virgin body and dirty mind did.  I loved the romantic idea of having that one perfect person and giving it all too them, but I loved the idea of one man owning every part of me even more.  Call me whatever you like, sexist, betrayer of the female race, it didn't matter; I couldn't help what turned me on. 

The dreams continued over the next couple days and Friday arrived too soon.  I had been avoiding Dylan and luckily for me Dr. Grayson had not gone out of his way to molest me in a supply closet again.  I knew that no matter what happened tonight it was going to be bad.  There wasn't any great way that I could get out of going to Dylan's frat party tonight, and knowing how creepy Dr. Grayson was, he would find out, assuming he didn't already know I was going, which he probably did.

Around 4 PM I finally convinced myself that it was too late to cancel on Dylan and I had to get dressed and do something with my appearance if I was going to be ready by 6:00.  I had decided on a plain long black dress.  It showed enough cleavage where I still looked young and sexy, but not enough to where guys would get the wrong idea of what 'type' of girl I was.  I did not want to get hit on tonight, I had enough problems with men, or boys, to last me a while. I wanted no attention which meant I could neither be too dressed up or too casual. I wanted to send no signals to anyone.  I did my hair in loose romantic curls, simple nude eye making, and bright red lips.  Simple, classy, elegant.

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