Chapter 1 Preppy, Pretty and Rich

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I walk through the doors of the school and sigh. I almost gag at the sight of the same old kelly green lockers, the off color white of the peeling walls and the cliques of rich high maintenance girls. I walk to the same locker I've had for the past two years.

"Hello again good 'ole 334," I whisper to myself. It is orientation day for the incoming freshmen and the school requires all the students to come for the new students to get a feel of an average school day. Of course that means that it is weeks before school actually starts.

I load my soccer bag into my locker and grab my cell phone. We are forced to go to every class for fifteen minutes and then get our school picture taken for our student ID. I always dread this part of the summer, it's like the Sunday of summer. Absolutely dreading what is near to come.

I walk to my first class and look among the students. Girls sitting with their best friends, judging other girls as they walk by, talking about how great their summer was on their yacht with all the hot lifeguards they paid to be watch and even some actually starting to prep for school. Ladywood Boarding Academy is a rich all girls school, for preppy pretty girls who always got what they wanted. Living at this school made their life's a dream because they were constantly pampered and loved being able to admit it.

I causally take a seat next to my best friend Katelyn. We aren't as preppy or as barbie as all the other girls, we were sporty and tough. We weren't outsiders, we get invited to all the big parties and bashes, but to the other girls we were the tom boys of the school.

The boarding school wouldn't be so bad if you didn't have to live there. I hate not being able to see my family, as wimpy as it sounds it's true.

"So Carter, how was your summer? I'm sure you enjoyed all the guys your brother invites over," Katelyn smirked, " I wish I could live at your house. Always be surrounded by hot guys running around all day. Especially being with Cameron all the time, I wouldn't mind that at all. " Katelyn has always had the biggest crush on my brother, always hinting at him that they should be a thing.

My identical twin brother Cameron is the all star soccer player at his all boy boarding school and will never be lived down. Me and my brother are the only children my parents will ever have, they are too busy being a big name fashion designer and the best lawyer in the state of California. We understand and we don't mind being independent, we have a house the size of a mountain and get what we ask for. My parents do take the time off for vacation and make sure to visit with us. During the summer we are mostly on our own so we will throw the biggest parties. Cameron invites the guys and I invite the girls. Also another reason I am not an outcast, everyone wants to be invited.

"Oh yeah sure if you don't mind being bugged all the time by the obnoxious know it all's, then sure you can say I had a great summer," I say. I always try to avoid whoever my brother brings to the house because they know that I also am the star soccer player for my team and they always compare me to them. It's annoying how they think I can't play with them because they think I won't be able to keep up.

"Come on, there has to be one of his friends that you like," she challenges. I think back to the eighth grade summer and remember the huge crush I had on Jake, one of my brothers good friends, he was a hard worker, nicer to me than all the rest of the guys and was definitely hot. When I told him I liked him he just embarrassed me in front of the rest of my brothers friends by rejecting me in front of everyone.

" No one comes to mind," I say through a smile.

She laughs, changing the subject to soccer tryouts. She begins to tell me all about  how nervous she is for them, even though she is very good.

The class starts and drags on and on.

+ + +

I rush to my locker to get my soccer bag and race to get my picture taken before soccer tryouts. My long straight brown hair falls flat on my chest as I sit straight and smile. I wore silver eye shadow to compliment my big blue eyes and wore the white long sleeved sweater we are forced to wear as a uniform with a plaid skirt and knee high socks.

" Smile!" The camera lady encourages, and then shows me my junior class picture. I figure my smile is perfect and my eyes aren't messed up, so it's good. I rush off to the locker room to get changed and put my hair up.

I am the first one on the field as always, practicing my juggle.I was the only player to make varsity freshmen and sophomore year so I know I can make it again this year. As the girls arrive to the field looking nervous and scared, I examine the crowd. Only 16 girls can make varsity and there are at least 25 girls trying out.

I see Katelyn and reassure her she's going to make the team.

Coach blows a whistle and everyone gathers around him. "5 laps around the field!" He blows again and off we go.

Hey guys! I'm so excited to start writing this book! I hope this first chapter caught your guys attention! I would love to hear what you guys think! I promise the good stuff is soon to come! 

I'll most likely be updating every two or three days for now, but when school rolls around it will most likely be only one time a week!

Goodbye until the next update! haha :) 

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