Chapter one: Before the Storming Waves

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I walk out of the bathroom in my fuzzy robe to the walk in closet that was close by. Walking in I wonder what I should wear. A beautiful red gown.

A gorgeous black gown

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A gorgeous black gown

or a dazzling white dress that shows my curves

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or a dazzling white dress that shows my curves.

I decide with the red one, pairing it with some maroon heels

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I decide with the red one, pairing it with some maroon heels. I take off my robe and put it on after I do that I walk out of the closet and to my vanity to quickly do my hair and makeup. I simply do some natural makeup and I braid my hair around my head to make it look like a crown.

I hear a loud noises coming from the throne room

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I hear a loud noises coming from the throne room. I flash to the throne room to see a human. She had long brown hair and she was pale, almost as pale as we are. Everything stops as soon as I walk into the room. Walking over to Aro, Marcus and Caius I voice my question.

"What is going on here?"

"Mio Amore this Vampire Edward tried to expose himself to the humans." Aro my first mate told me. I look at this Edward boy and scowl at him. I flash over to him and grab his face and I hums a small tune no one but her could hear. Memories flash through my mind. I stops when she sees that he left her because Jazzy (Jasper) had a little accident. I growls and throws him against the wall. Both Alice and the human looked at me in shock.

"Mio cara what is the matter?" Aro asks. I walks over to him and take his hand in mine showing him what the boy let out when he showed Aro his memories. Aro frowns and looks at Edward.

"You left her when she could of told anyone our secret." 

"HE WHAT!?!" Caius roared standing up and glaring at the young vampires. I swiftly but gracefully walk over to Caius to try to calm him down, knowing if anything happens when he is mad you will regret it later. He takes me in his arms and hugs me close.

"Then they must die for breaking the laws." I look at Demetri and Felix and they nod their head as they grab Edward and Alice ready to kill at our command.

"WAIT PLEASE KILL ME NOT HIM!" The Human yells at us. I look over to Aro and he is smirking that sexy smirk of his. 

"She would have an amazing gift as a vampire." He says. I frown feeling a little jealous the human is getting praised for having amazing power. Pouting a little I turn my head towards Caius's chest and bury my face into it. I can feel him chuckling lower for no one else could hear.

I stop paying attention until I hear Alice yell.

"WAIT! I will change her myself. I have seen it." I remove my face from Caius's chest and look at her, not believing a word she has said. I roll my eyes as Alice walks over to Aro and shows him. Stopping time quickly I walk over to her and watch the vision noticing she is projecting things that was not what really going to happen. Frowning I walk back over to Caius and hug him. I start time again. As everything unfreezes Marcus, Caius and Aro notices that something is wrong with me. So does my children. I let go of Caius and walk over to Marcus because I feel like they are believing her. Sitting down in Marcus lap I listen to everything that happens next not really caring anymore unless my family are threatened.

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