It was a Friday evening, school dismissal, and Zack; my best friend; and I were waiting to be picked up together by my parents. It's not the easiest at times when people say a guy and girl can't be "just friends". It was a little awkward at times in the past, but we've experienced a lot together as friends. Zack and I aren't just some friends who fall in love and all that grossness, but we are going to hopefully be friends for a very long time... "Just FRIENDS".
After we got picked up by my parents it was a long 30 minute ride to my house. Zack and I planned to go outside and play soccer; Soccer is "our" sport. We play it together all the time, always have fun. The reason I say it is "our" sport is because we make up our own rules together. Then we come inside and see who can drink the most water in a minute, that way we have fun while getting hydrated, it's a win:win.
This time we did just that except Zack's parents were running a little late to pick him up so we went into my room thinking about what to do until his parents come... as I may confess he was a little cute so I was kind of happy to have him just to myself alone in my bedroom, but he didn't like me, he liked this snobby-stuck-up-girl named Amanda Roberts who laughs at me when I wore raggedy clothes or that time when I fell in a ditch. For the longest time I've wanted to tell Zack I kind of like him, but I chicken-out every time. This is my chance, the last day of school for the week, we are all alone in my room, it's the perfect time, then, some unknown, sad, and mad news comes out of Zack's mouth. "Jessie?" "Yeah Zack?" I replied. "I need to tell you something that I have been meaning to tell you but haven't because I didn't know how you would react." " What is it?" I asked. Zack's face blushed bright red, I was ready, I was ready to say yes, then he said it. " I have been dating Amanda Roberts for about three weeks now." My mouth dropped, I never imagined Zack to say dating and Amanda in the same sentence. I was jealous, mad, furious, then Zack's parents pulled up the drive-way.
That night I could hardly sleep... three weeks? How did I never hear about this? I am his best friend, I guess not anymore. I guess I am just going to grow old and die young. How could this happen? How did it happen? That night it took me three hours to fall asleep, my life was ruined, I didn't know what to do.