(2) boxes.

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Few people called for the offer, asking to meet and check the house. Yoongi accepted them, showed them the house. To his luck, none of them found his house 'proper', leaving as soon as they came. Yoongi held in his breath as the latest person was checking his house.

"Sunbae, the chair is broken."

Yoongi scratched his neck. "It got broken so I fixed it. But it works fine, we have been using it for two years," he said. The guy, Jimin, didn't seem to find his method of saving money and a chair amusing, looked with disbelief. He kept telling Yoongi what was broken and what was to be fixed. Yoongi kept his silence, faking small smiles and laughs. He was fine with all the unnecessary comments about his house, he didn't expect people to understand his situation. He worked hard, tried to save up his money, trying to use everything until it was impossible to use. And here he was, standing in the middle of his kitchen, with a stranger judging him and his house. "If you don't mind me asking, am I the first visitor?" the small idiot asked.

Count to three, take deep breaths. "No, you're like, the fifth."

"Really? I mean, don't get me wrong but this place is-"

"Get out," Yoongi said, still managing to keep his calm, or what is left from his little patience.

Jimin didn't seem to understand what the older said, he tilted his head to the right. "What?"

"Fucking get out, you pucker-hole, or you will be the same as the fuckin' chair," Yoongi said, gesturing the door. The guy quickly took his jacket and left the house. Yoongi fell to the old couch with a groan. He took his phone out and scrolled around his apps, trying to get his mind out of the sad thoughts. It was okay, maybe his house wasn't the most perfect house but it was okay.

It was okay.

["Hello? Hyung?"] What the fuck.

The sudden voice startled Yoongi causing him to fall to the ground, trying to progress where the sound came from with a sudden shock. It took him a while to figure out that he accidentally called his cousin. ["Yoongi hyung? Are you there?"]

Yoongi quickly picked up his phone, cursing to his clumsiness. "Yes, Jeongguk, yes. I'm here," he said softly. He could feel a small smile forming as he heard the younger man laughing over the other side of the phone.

["Hyung, is everything okay?"] Jeongguk asked. The small smile disappeared and got replaced with a frown. Was he okay?

The answer was a clear no. He was tired, his life was messier than an alphabet soup, he missed his family. Yoongi was anything but okay. After years of hard work, he would think of a happy life but the reality didn't come like the way you sugar coated it. It came suddenly, without a sign. It came into your life like a tornado to throw things around randomly and slap you in the face with the harsh truth. Life was never what you want. Life was what you made out of the mess thrown to you. Yoongi was suffocating under that big mess, he felt too weak to carry the weight upon his shoulders. Instead of doing something about the weight, he just ignored it and kept standing straight, telling himself that he was okay until the weight became too much to handle. No; Min Yoongi was not okay in any way.

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