richard pt 2

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Everything passed by like a blur as smoke filled my vision. I wanted to leave this place I wanted to rewind to 5 minutes before when I felt like the most beautiful girl in the world. The only one he looked at.

"Baby?" It was as if cotton was stuffed inside my whole body and the voice that i heard was just a mere  whisper.

"Dont sleep babe stay with me everything is going to be okay just please stay with me dont leave." His voice was rushed i could just barely make it out.

Everything was honestly a blur i saw his face his beautiful eyes looked at me as if i held everything and he didnt want me to throw it away.

My memory was fogged with police sirens and blaring red lights. I couldnt concentrate on anything much longer. Black spots started to cloud my vision and it felt as if i was holding onto a string, a very thin one that was so close to breaking but almost like if i let go ill have a beautiful fall.

But then i remembered his smile his laugh his twinkling eyes and i had to hold on i couldn't let go but that thin string suddenly crumbled down and i couldn't hold onto it anymore

i let go.


I woke up and everything felt completely numb my eyes felt dry as did my lips and throat. I looked around the room and saw no one.

I blinked multiple times hoping that it would calm the burning of my eyes. I felt my neck sting and slowly brought my needle covered hands up to it feeling something hard on it.

Suddenly the door opened and my mom came in eyes red and tired her posture showed of how much fatigue she was carrying on herself and at that moment i wanted to wash all of it away.

"Oh my god honey im so glad you're  awake." She rushed over to my side hugging me but making sure it wasn't too tight to actually hurting.

I tried to talk but my throat hurt so much it was like fire. She understood and brought a glass of water to my lips. I coughed the dryness away and asked about Richard.

"Momma where is richard?" I asked she starred at me in shock and the doctor came in and making my mom stop i heard her sniffle and it turned to sobs.

"What mom where is he?" I tried again my voice coming out as horse as ever.

Dad automatically catching on answered for her "(y/n) richard died it was an automatic death right when you both got hit. When the paramedics arrived there wasnt much they could do."

"No! Dad he was alive he told me everything was going to be okay he SAID TO STAY WITH HIM WHERE IS HE I-" nothing, nothing came out of my mouth ,but tears kept on streaming down my face i tried to yell to scream but it was impossible.

The doctor was putting in a calming liquid in to me which was hitting on my really fast but it felt like my world came crushing down especially after hearing the news because i saw him and i heard him.

I loved him so much.

Wow i want to apologize for taking so long i am currently so unmotivated for some reason and it sucks so much because i really enjoyed writing and not doing it makes me really sad but i guess its okay i hope you all like it also im gonna try to finish my Christmas love and the bet but im not making any promises

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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