Serbie banana b s bina woke with a scream. Serbia Banana B S Bina walls into the kitchen. Serbie Banana B S Bina ran over to the fridge. Serbie Banana B S Bina got out the milk. Serbie Banana B S Bina yelled "Donettes r gud!" Serbie Banana B S Bina stomps into a room.
"What's up with all the old guys?" Serbie Banana B S Bina question.
"She she she!"
" Shhhhhutup Wee! "
Won of the man stood, he chucked.
B rans over to Weesha wee H Buggy Mallisha. "Rozy, your sleeeeeeeve!"
"Saminilla!" Weesha wee H Buggy Mallisha sings.
Her dad shines through the window, instantly making us smile.
"Monkey are ugly! Bring the turtles!"
I remembered,