Puzzling Polaroids

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     Slowly I dragged myself down the hall towards my locker feeling more tired than usual, which I never thought could be possible. I was gathering my stuff when I noticed a polaroid taped neatly to my locker door. A puzzling look washed over my face as I carefully pulled it off my locker door. It was a picture of a teddy bear that was holding a heart that said "I love you". I turned it over to see if anything was on the back and it said "I really like you" with a little heart. I stared at it for a couple seconds longer than I should have just to make sure the letters wouldn't switch around, making it into something different. "Huh?" I whispered to myself. I knew Valentines Day was in a couple of days so I assumed it was just a prank. I didn't know how anybody could have gotten my locker combination but nonetheless, I brushed it off. I shoved the polaroid in my backpack and continued gathering my stuff for first period, slamming my locker shut on the way. I didn't want to think about the polaroid right now. It was stupid anyways. Nobody would ever go for someone like me. I'm fat and ugly. The next day, when I opened my locker, I was shocked to see yet another polaroid taped in the same spot. This time, it was a picture of a bouquet of roses. A hand was gripping the bottom of them. The hand looked soft but also manly at the same time. I knew it was a guys though. The hand also had a mole on it close to his thumb. I carefully ripped it off my locker door and flipped it over. It read "February 14th." "How strange..." I thought. But again, I just shoved it in my backpack with the one from before. The next day, when it was finally Valentines Day, I opened my locker to no polaroid. But, there sitting perfectly on the top shelf of my locker was the teddy bear and the same bouquet of roses. I gasped and grabbed the roses, taking in their beautiful smell. 

"Aww.. fatty has got a secret admirer now!" I turned to see some boy talking about me to his friends even though he knew I could hear. He wanted me to hear. I buried my face in the roses and began to cry. That's when there was a tap on my shoulder. I wiped my tears quickly and smiled then turned around. It was Jonathan. I've had a huge crush on him for two years but never dared to say anything to him. 

"Hey Lily...so, did you like the stuff I got you?" He smiled brightly. 

I sniffled a little bit, "Tha-that was you?" I finally choked out. 

"Yeah. I really like you and I wanted to do something special to show you how I felt."

I blushed. I had never felt so happy. I smiled brightly and replied, "It's beautiful, thank you." Then I randomly gathered up the courage to kiss him. He turned red and so did I. Then, I gathered my stuff and ran away, heading to my first period. 

A/N: This isn't the best but I wanted to make a cute little story so here you go :))

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2018 ⏰

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