First awakening

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This is...
Inconvenient if I may say so.

"Why is there so many white? Why I'm on the floor? Where is this place actually? How did I even get here?!"

What's my name?

"I was.. I was home? Yeah, home. At my apartment.."

No, this doesn't feel right. Do I even live in a apartment? I don't remember owning one. Hell, actually I don't remember anything. Even my name. I'm sure I have a name. Probably. Everything has a name! Even non physical stuff.

"Ok, let's calm down. First of all, let's stand up. Analyze and then I can freak out."

This place is completely blank, white from the ceiling to the ground. I can't measure depth, although I still have a shadow on the ground even if it's faint.

Looking around I can't see anything on what's supposed to be the horizon. It feels.. empty.

Almost falling from the panic of seeing a corpse slightly behind me I give some steps back. Is a she uh.

Is she dead? Her face feels familiar, do I know her? If I do, please don't be dead.

"Still has a pulse and is breathing normally." Retrieving my hands from her arm and holding her shoulders I shake her body. No response. I tried opening her eyes by force, but those dark brown pupils didn't even twitch.

"I'm not a doctor, I think, but this obviously isn't a good sign.."

Looking around there is nothing, but if I'm not the only one here.. maybe somewhere nearby have more people. Maybe.

"Don't worry, I'll try to get you some help."
Standing up as I said that I focused her face to print it on my memory. This is something I can't forget.

"Until then, um, good dreams I suppose." Turning away and walking straight so to not lose her location I let this white world consume my vision.

It's not cold or hot to cause me discomfort. My shoes are comfy so walking for an hour will not hurt, will it?

I've been walking for a long time now and still not tired. Was I a maratho runner? I sure have the stamina to be one. Sucks I can't remember it.

"Why my memory vanished? Did I hit my head or something? One thing I'm sure, I'm not a newborn..

Yeah, no, no way."

I eventually stopped when feeling a little tired and finally taking some break of walking.

"Is this the afterlife? Like.. did I die and now I'm here? If it is, than I'm glad not remembering how I died."

Do I even feel things anymore? If I pinch m-
"Aw! My body can still feel pain. Ok, not dead, got it."

Up again and walking some more my vision get a glimpse of something. Still far but it is comforting to finally find something.
Getting closer it looks like some tall columns, pretty sure I saw it somewhere before. They irradiate this 'familiarize' feeling, like when you know what you want to say but the right word scape your tongue.

"Weird, some of them are all contorted." Looking back I can't see from where I've entered this place. Some of this things cast shadows and now my world became black and white.

"Hello? Is there someone here? I need help. Can someone hear me?" Speaking a little louder and still no response. So more walking it is then..

"I'm sorry, I really am. Can you come down now?" A very high pitched voice came from my right. Making my way to the person to ask help I actually encountered a small girl.

"Hello, can you help me?" She stopped looking up from before and was now facing me, fingers moving nonstop showing her insecurities.

"I'll help what I can then you help me out, ok?" She is so small! I needed to crouch to be her level.

"You see Miss, me and Blue fought. I already apologized but he won't come down." Her little hand pointed up to the top of a column. I squeezed my sight and captured a blue point somewhere there.  " We need to go home soon, or my Mom will get angry. Can you pick him up for me, please?"

Go up there? I could do that, but since it would be a huge and ugly fall I'm not sure..

"I think it's too high for me to climb.."

"Too high? Miss, aren't you an adult?" She seems so confused and so am I with her question.

"Yes I am." That is something I want to believe I am, but actually not sure if I am. I mean, what's my age again?

"Then you don't need to climb the tree, after all adults are always tall and strong." 

"What is that logic? From a shortie point of view it may be true. Still, I'm not that tall."
Looking up again to see the tall and..  why did this thing become suddenly so short? It's practically my height now!

"The fuck?" I can actually stand on my tip toes and grab it! Turns out Blue is a plushie, a blue plushie of course.

"Thank you!" The girl said when I gave it to her. Seeing her happiness I couldn't help and smile.

"You're welcome!" I'm feeling a bit proud of myself and legitimately happy. Hugging Blue and jumping a little bit out of excitement she then asked:

"So! What can I help you with? I hope it can be fast, it's almost dinner time!"

"You can help me?" I am not sure about this..

"Of course! I'll try my best! So, what's the problem?"

"I think I'm lost."

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