I think this is the end 5

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Gajeel sat up and looked up into the deep, blue sky. I started smiling, I didn't know why though... I turned away from Gajeel and started walking to where we camped last night, I asked Panther Lily if he wanted to come by he said no he'll stay with Gajeel. Theses two boys are nice but Gajeel is kind of perverted... on my way back to the camp I heard some people yelling at each other. I quickly yet quietly ran behind a bush to hear them better. 

"Guys! Stop yelling! There could be people in the forest!" A male voice exclaimed.

"Yeah right! No one would ever be this deep in the forest!!"another yelled.

"Stop worrying about if people are here or not! We need to fix the wheel on this bloody cart!" A tall deep voiced man yelled. These people must be the bandits that we were looking for! I quickly jumped out of the bush and jumped onto one of them nocking them over I quickly got up and the other two where just looking at me, the tall one started to speak.

"Vector, get her!" He exclaimed then someone jumped out of the cart with some kind of spear. He eyes wide and dark, his hair was like a maroon colour it looked oily. And his smile was weird, he smiled with all his teeth and his smile was wider than humanly possible! The spear looked blunt and pathetic but I could feel a strong magical force coming from it. He started running to me with lighting fast speed, he's a wizard!? And uses speed magic? Before I could even think of my next move I felt jabbing pains in my ribs and stomach, I felt something strange in my body, I started to feel light headed and unsteady my armour disappeared and I was back in my black and red jacket, black pants and boots. I fell to the ground feeling my power being sucked out of me. My eyes started to close automatically.

"Well done Vector" the deep voiced man said. Vector didn't reply.

"What do you boys think your doing?" A different voice said. I then heard nuckles cracking I started to hear punches flying and yelling. I tried to open my eyes but they didn't obey. Everything when scilent then I felt arms picking me up I could tell I was upside down now because all the blood was rushing to my head. Which definitely woke me up! I was more than a meter off the ground! I lifted up my head and saw. Panther Lily?!?! But this time he was as big as a human! And he was carrying three of the four bandits.

"Gajeel, she's awake" he said. Gajeel? I looked at the back of his head and started to blush. 

"Did you have a good nap, mouse?" He asked.

"Yeah, great! Being stabbed in my ribs feels like butterflies tickling me..." I replied in a sarcastic voice. I looked at the floor and saw Gajeel was dragging Vector. 

"You know you can put me down now..." I stated.

"Yeah, I could." Gajeel replied but kept carrying me over his shoulder. *sigh* when we were close to magnolia he put me down and we walked back to the guild.

Okay, hope you liked it!

An Iron Dragon's Heart #1 (Gajeel x reader)Where stories live. Discover now