Pretty Lies: Prologue

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My name is Megan Colt. I'm a Junior in high school a nerd and the biggest target in school.
Colt the volt
Gave a jolt

They kept saying the couplet whenever I walked down the hall. I was trying to get to my locker when someone shoved me. I dropped all my things I looked up to see who it was. It was Andy Jennings. He smirked at me. "Sorry Volt didn't see ya. Wait I did I just got a shock." He said everyone laughed as he struck me across the face as well as the pun. I looked at him and said nothing willing the tears from my eyes. "Can't you speak or are you mute Volt?" His girlfriend said. Her name is Katherine Mill and she's a snake. She swoops boys off their feet and then leaves.
Took her awhile to get Andy hell he still doesn't mind her he ignores her. He acts as if she's worthless to him. "Speak bitch. Say something we all know you do when you're in class. Say something whore!" Katherine demands. I pick up my things and walk away. Blocking out the couplet that has started up again blocking out Katherine's screams at me to talk. Blocking out my crush and old childhood friend. Blocking out everyone but me.

I miss him. I miss how we would giggle and laugh talk about the fun we had. I miss the pretty things he said to me the pretty promises they just turned into lies pretty lies they hurt me and made me become this me. The only me. The destroyed me. The broken me. We were best friends we would go everywhere together we never let the others hand go. Slowly Andy drifted away after kindergarten started he kept saying I was gross and that we couldn't hold hands. When fifth grade came he wanted to be friends again. We became besties once more. Before I found out it was another pretty lie his friends grabbed me and held me while he punched me while he injured me. While he broke me. I haven't talked to him since then never in front of him. I love him. I hate him. I miss him. I can't make pretty lies in front of him I can't get away from him. I miss him.
I want to cry. Most the time I do. Other times I cut. I hide. I wish I would die. I wish I could run instead. I hate not being free. I hate being me.

So this is somerhing I've been workong on for awhile now. So i wanted to post it now. I'm nor sure when i can get the first chapter out but i will do my best to have it out in three maybe two days.

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