Part 7 ~ locked in hospital

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Part - 7
Locked in hospital

Swara storms inside her mansion
Her whole body was shaking ... She didn't knew anything except the fact that since her so called family had stepped in her life again they have converted it into a chaos

She stood rigid in front of her parents who were currently arguing with her maids who were not letting then inside ... They were so much ingrosed in there fighting that her presence also went unnoticed

Shekhar shouts - you don't know who i am .. Let me inside now

Swara rolls her eyes listening him , and without any care she walks inside while shemish looks on

She site on sofa pressing her head deeply on head rest trying to subside the pain her parents are giving her

Maid - mam please talk to them ... They are creating problems from past hour

Swara nods and ask her to send them inside ..

Shemish comes inside glaring at swara

Swara - what do you want now
Shomi - we want you to come back home

Swara sarcastically - and where exactly is home

Shekhar - Swara why are you doing this , why can't you just come back so that everything becomes alright

Swara stands up angrily and points her finger at shekhar  - for you mr gadodia , for you and your daughter ragini everything will become alright but not for me ... I can't belive you can be so much selfish in your daughter's love

Shomi crying - you are also our daughter Swara

Swara - don't play this daughter card on me when you yourself tossed me in corner of life .. In darkness

Shekhar - but ....
Swara - no buts mr gadodia kindly leave from here security will escort you till main gate

Shomi - you can't do this with us Swara .. We are your parents

Swara ignores them completely picking up her phone which is continuously ringing

Swara snapped on call - what

Yash - for god sake Swara why the hell were you not picking up your phone
Her posture immediately straits listening the tone of his voice
Swara worried - what happened?

Yash panicked - vo sa..sanskar

Swara immediately stood up - what happened to him
Yash - he is in city hospital ... I don't know what happened , please reach there
Swara's heart stopped beating for a sec listening to him, she ran from there ignoring the shouts of her so called parents who were demanding her to come back

Swara ran inside directly towards the main counter
Swara taking deep breaths - where is sanskar maheshwari admitted
Receptionist looked at her and smiled lightly - he is in room no. 204 third floor
She quickly made her way to lift after thanking the receptionist who was looking at her back intently

She opens the door hurriedly
Swara without looking up as she was still catching her breath asked - what happened? How are you?

Her head jerked up listening sarcastic voice "welcome to the party , I was waiting for you only"

Swara confused - what the hell is happening
She double takes at sanskar who is sitting perfectly fine on couch

Sanskar taunting - why don't you ask your dear friend yash
Just then they heard a bang and click
Swara looks at door panicked while sanskar had a clam expression like he knew something like this will happen
Swara banging the door - is there any one , please open the door

Sanskar - it will not open soon
She looks at him then back at door when they heard laughter from outside
Swara gets angry knowing what is actually happening
Swara angrily - kabir i will kill you just open the door
Kabir shouts from outside - that's why I am not opening it soon
Kavya - not till you guys sought your problems out , its high commands order
Swara frustrated - who is this high command
Kabir - kavya together - dida!! Now bye
Swara curse under her breath but stood listening sanskar fake cough

Swara angrily points at him - you , it is all your fault
Sanskar calmly - what is my mistake if your friends decide to lock us in this hospital room
She ignores him and call her gaurds but know one was picking up her phone making her more frustrated yet nervous
She just stomps her foot knowing well that nothing is there that they can do

She looks at sanskar then sits on hospital bed
Swara - sorry
He looks at her who has her head down
Sanskar - what for ?
Swara - hmm.. My friends
Sanskar frustrated - what else can we expect from your friends , don't know what they are thinking. I have a important meeting in few hours

Swara angrily - why are you shouting on me , I didn't do anything
She glares at him

He takes deep breath calming himself Sanskar - I ... I am not ... Shouting , its just ... ugh I don't know how to explain
Swara gaze at him for few sec before looking away , she can understand his situation because she is in the same one. They have been alone after long time its not awkward but its not comfortable eitjer. What are they supposed to talk especially after how they left things on there last meet

He can sense her delima but he needs to clear things with her. He got another chance to mend his relation with her which he is not letting go with the hope that may be they can  finally be happy ... Finally have there happily ever after
Sanskar - Swara how are you
Swara looks at him confused - fine
Sanskar - ok umm.. When did you start singing officially
Swara - last year
Sanskar nods then asks again - did you eat your lunch
She looks at him "like seriously"
Swara tilt her head slightly - why are you asking such questions
Sanskar looks down - I'm just trying to talk
Swara leans back - then talk , but wait last i remember we have nothing to talk after all you have no relation with me ex-husband ji
He sighed hearing her curt reply .. Well he deserves it , but what she said is not correct , totally not correct

Sanskar - I can't be your ex-husband
Swara jerks - what do you mean
Sanskar - I can't be your ex-husband because we are still married
Swara looks at him shocked
Swara - what do you mean , I myself signed the divorce paper

He winced a little hearing about there past. He knew he made a mistake the moment he stepped out of mm 2 years back but it was too late to undo it he already lost her and the guilt was eating him from that day ... He could have tried harder , he should have controlled his anger but he lost it the moment he heard his family words and let that anger control him

Sanskar looks at her intensely - I never submitted those paper , I couldn't do that to you ... To us

Swara looks at him blankly , never in the world she could have guessed something like this. She thought that he hate her for what all she did with him. She knew she was wrong very wrong to choose family over him every time but that family never cared for her for them but she learned the lesson hard way and till then it was too late , she already lost him ... Lost the person who cared about her the most , always stood beside her. Everyday she wished to change the past but we can't always have what we want.

She connects her eyes from him as a lone tear escape her eye
He immediately decreased the distance between them seeing her tear
He cups her face wiping her tear , he rests his head on her
Sanskar - please don't cry Swara I can't see tears in your eyes I am sorry .... Please

She breaks down hearing him and hugs him through his waist keeping her head on his chest, after so long she can finally cry her pain out
He also wrap his hands around her tightly feeling the same pain of separation as tears gather in his eyes

After some time Swara breaks the hug while he still has his arms around her
Swara looking up at him - don't leave me again
His heart pains seeing the vulnerability behind her eyes and he knew at that point that no matter what he is going to mend her , mend there relation for what ever it takes

Sanskar - never
With this he seals her lips in a sweet kiss of promise and love

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