Words Travel Fast

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Chapter 1

“You’ll need more fake than that that” Sam smirks.

“I know” I tell him as I smear the orange bronzed lotion on my skin, paying particular attention to my fading bruises. He was clever, he’d plan when I could go out, he wouldn’t hit me right before an event or anything like that, he’d make quite sure he hit me so the bruises had time to fade. Only these bruises were worse than the time before and I was having to resort to fake tan to try and conceal them.

“You know I only do it because I love you” he whispers in my ear. That’s the saying I hate most, because he genuinley believes it and it’s scary to me that somebody can be that deluded. It also scares me because I’m afraid one day I’ll believe him, and then I’m trapped for good.

“I know” I agree to keep him happy.

“Show me then” He spins me around and I cower beneath him, I know I have to please him or else he’ll only punish me later but it’s hard to seduce him when every aspect of him makes me feel sick to my stoumach.

“I’ll get fake tan on you though” I try and find an exscuse, and knowing the clean freak he is it’ll probably work. He throws me off of him and inspects his body for any signs of the lotion, he grabs his anti-bacterial spray just in case and massages it into his hands. 

“You’ll make it up to me when we get home” he warns me before leaving.

My feet longed to sit down, throbbing from the killer heels and the amount of walking from club to club we’d done. Apparently The Wanted were out for the night, therefore we had to “search” for them. 

“Hurry up” Sam barks at me as I try and concentrate on walking, heel toe heel toe I tell myself. I shudder from the coldness and I glare at him behind his back at what he’s made me wear. The killer heels were a present from him, but he knows that I hate them. This barely there skimpy dress is tacky and cheap and I keep getting dirty looks from everyone who passes us by.

“They could be anywhere?” I sigh as I finally catch up with Sam and his bandmates.

“Parker tweeted a picture of them, I think I recognise the club” He growls, searching his phone to look for any updates. This is my entire life. The rivalry between “K3” and The Wanted. I’m the envy of every fangirl, the girlfriend of Sam Burrows, the lead singer of K3. Gorgeous, funny, and talented, but behind the camera he’s an animal, a bully, and a control freak. I hate him with every cell of my body but I can’t leave him, he’ll kill me. Literally. The rivalry has been present since they both released a single on the same day, but The Wanted beat them to number one, and twitter wars and fights in clubs have become common between them. Mostly it’s only two members who fight from The Wanted, and that’s Tom and Max, but I checked on Twitter and Jay’s out with them too. I can’t let Sam and his bandmates find them, Jay looks nerdy and geeky and not one to want to fight, Sam won’t care, he’ll hurt him. I secretly like The Wanted’s music, they can sing and they’re nice to their fans, Sam loves autotune and he’ll often ignore his fans, parading me infront of them so I get death threats and abuse thrown at me on a daily basis.

“Can I go home, leave you to it?” I ask him, but I already know the answer. He likes me to be there, so I can see how violent he is, not that I need reminding.

“No, besides I reckon Parker likes you, you could be used as bait” Sam smiles, rubbing his hands together like he’s just had an idea.

“I’m sure he won’t be distracted by me” I shake my head furiously, I I feel like slag, a dog that nobody wants apart from it’s owner. Sam owns me. The only thing he allows me to do is dance for him and his band, I have to tell him every audition that I go for if it’s not for his band and it’s my only time that I get away from him. 

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