Intro Scene: Passing Through

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K I'm telling you right now, read Versus The Rouge if you want to understand this. I connect my stories most of the time, it's what I do ok? Keeps things organized and interesting. That said, make sure to follow and vote for my stories. Sure a majority of my stories are either Mech X4 or Power Rangers related. That's not all I do though. I'm coming up with a new one as we speak so if you complain about how I only do certain things, well guess what, I'm doing a variety of things so hold your little horses.



The pilot sat on his bed, looking back at the person in front of him. He was calm at the moment, only making noises with his mouth with his arms crossed. How this was possible puzzled the male technopath. What was told to him was how THIS could cause massive destruction. Although...nothing was happening. How was nothing happening? Magic? Force field? Stones or crystals?

"This is awkward," the duplicate randomly spoke. The young man stared back at him, "I knew you would freak, but silence is just uncomfortable."

"How are you here?" Ryan inquired, his hoarse vocals hurting to no end.

The doppelganger held up a stone.

"This little bug helps me jump through dimensions without being a guardian. Found it at that farm where Randall and Violet stayed, comes in handy a lot," he explained. Ry let out a cough, concerning the duplicate, "you okay?"

"I think I'm sick," Ryan spoke softly, "I feel like butt."

The visitor walked over and climbed onto the bed. He sat beside the fifteen year old. His arm went around him, allowing the ill child to lay his head under the crook of his neck. The young pilot would've questioned this, but was too tired to put up an argument.

"You ever wonder how life would be if Mech X4 and monsters weren't apart of it?" The double asked.

The pilot shrugged.

"Mark might still be a jerk and I wouldn't be able to get him back for that prank the first day of school. Life would be pretty boring to be honest." He answered back.

A yawn escaped his lips. The doppelganger grabbed the blanket and covered them both up. The duplicate smiled a little.

"Man I miss this place," he said, "we had a lot of good memories here."

"Wait, Mech X4 is gone in your time?" Ry tiredly asked.

"Haven't been back there in a while. Since Tregear is dead and Seth is with Grey somewhere in Acapulco, nothing has happened," the doppelganger replied, "you know they're getting married?"

There was a pause.

"Don't make me start vomiting again." Ryan told him.

"Heh, I know right?" The visitor agreed, "it's like the Joker getting on one knee to propose to Batman."

"Oh god that's scary." Ry responded.

"Isn't it?" The alternate dimension clone rhetorically questioned.

Another, longer yawn left the pilot's mouth. He pulled the covers over himself more and snuggled in tight.

"Go ahead and sleep," the duplicate allowed, "you need it if you're gonna fool everyone into thinking you're fine."

Ry gave him a look.

"Come on, I'm you, I know what you're thinking." The clone reminded him.

Only nodding to that, the male technopath drifted to sleep pretty quickly. As his doppelganger stayed by him, he looked around the med bay. A feeling of regret and happiness took over. He hadn't seen it for a reason. That reason being his own fault. He bit his lip as he looked down at the current pilot. Smiling a little wider, the clone whispered into his ear.

"We gave so much," he spoke, "and with my help, we're gonna get what we deserve."

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