Chapter 2

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It was about 8:04am once Mark was halfway back to the house. His little brother lolled in and out of sleep. He tried to play it off by going on his phone, but failed miserably. His older brother glanced at him now and then. He was worried and a little anxious. After recent events, the sixteen year old was sure that it had to do with his powers. But if so, why doesn't Ryan just say it? They've just discovered some kind of substance that is running through his body. Who knows what it could do?

"So uh," Mark broke the silence. His little brother looked at him, "ya hungry?"

Ryan shook his head. Food was the last thing on his mind.

"You sure? We can stop for breakfast." Mark offered.

Ryan's response was the same as before.

"Ok." Mark replied.

His fingers tapped on the wheel as he continued driving. The moment wasn't exactly awkward as it was just the former jock making sure his brother was alright. After all, he left the toilet in Mech X4 filled with whatever he had eaten previously. That didn't include his powers going crazy. That had been the second time that it happened. He counted. Last time, it was after the Arctic mission against Tregear. What a doozy that was. Wonder if the two had some kind of correlation to each other?
  After a few more minutes of driving, the Walker household came into view. Pulling up in the garage, the sixteen year old made sure to park the car correctly. Once he did that, he unbuckled the seatbelt and hopped out of tbe vehicle. His family member did the same, only a little slower. He shut the door and Mark locked it. The former jock ran up the stairs to the front door. He watched as his little brother followed, but only walked up the steps. Opening the door, the two went inside the house. Grace was getting ready to head out. Ryan shut the door.

"Hey mom." Mark greeted.

"Hi boys," Grace responded. She looked at Ryan, who seemed like he was hit by a bus, "you ok Ry-Guy?"

The pilot shot his head up and nodded. He quickly walked past her and headed for the bathroom to shower. Grace looked back at her oldest child.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Mech X4 stuff," Mark answered her, "I'll watch him."

Grace nodded as she grabbed her purse.

"Alright, but let me know if you need help," she told him. She kissed his cheek and headed out the door, "bye."

"Later mom." Mark retorted.

The door closed. The older Walker brother went over to the couch. He flopped on it. While laying on it, he played with his device. Going through information and various apps he wanted to download, basically what anyone would do on their phone. And while his brother was in the bathroom, he got a text from a pal of his.

Dane: Sup

The former jock smiled.

Mark: Sup

Dane: Whatchu doing?

Mark: Watching my brother.

Dane: Y?

Mark: Long story.

Dane: Gotchu. Well look, the guys and I are heading to Tony's later. U up for it?

Mark: Maybe.

Dane: Maybe? Come on dude, you're going. Free toppings day, desserts half off, you can't beat that.

Mark: Bring everything here. Make it a party.

Dane: That's smart, alright cool, just don't bring Georgia.

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