( mornings ! )

791 33 7

finn x fem!reader
warnings: none
requested: no
a/n: i love finn w my
whole ass heart wtf
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

- usually you wake up first
- and you're glad you do bc you get to look at your love for awhile without any interruptions!!!
- but once finn wakes up he lazily smiles at you
- he places a soft kiss onto your nose, causing you to giggle
- "good morning, my angel"
"morning, finnie"
- youse lay in bed until you have to get up
- finn will just lazily draw shapes on your knuckles as he holds your hands
- he loves loves loves holding your hands
- sometimes finn's mum (or yours, depends where youse are) will have to come get youse out of bed
- "yea, yea, we'll be up soon"
- but youse don't get up for at least another hour
- once youse are up, you both go straight to the bathroom to brush your teeth bc hygiene
- when your staying at finn's house you refuse to go downstairs without him - even though you're super close with his family!!
- usually you'll help mary make breakfast once you two are downstairs bc cooking/baking is your forte and you love it (almost as much as you love finn)
- finn holds your hand throughout breakfast, simply bc loves holding it
- "y/n, this is so good"
"you're such a good cook, lovely"
- compliments about breakfast from everyone who tries any of it
- usually a soft blush will form and you'll say a quick "thank you, but mrs. wolfhard did most of it, i just helped"
- finn will kiss your pink cheeks bc wow he thinks you're adorable!!!
- after breakfast you'll most likely just hang out in finn's room until one of your parents comes to pick you up
- mornings with finn (and his family) are your all time favourite mornings ever
- bc well
- you get to spend a few hours with the boy you're completely in love with

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