"What are you so afraid of? You hate it! Why won't you quit?" I can tell she is beginning to get annoyed, she is tugging at her necklace, she always does that when she gets annoyed.
"Cause, this group, this group is the only thing keeping me big and interesting!"
"What is so good about being interesting?"
"BECAUSE THEN AT LEAST I'M SOMEONE!" She steps back, shocked "At least I'm someone." I can hear myself, I sounds broken, beyond repair.
"You were always someone."
"Not to the ones who mattered, not to her. Do you think she would even look at me twice, let alone call herself mine if I wasn't someone? Without this group I'm just me"
"Are you really that blind? She would have loved you, even when you were no one."
"No one liked me when I was no one."
"NO ONE LIKE ME AND DEFINITELY NO ONE LOVED ME! That is just the way it is."
"I did." My head snaps up. To late she is walking away.
"Goodbye Kye. I hope she sees you for who you truly are." It's her turn to sound broken. And it breaks me even more.
Short Stories
Short StoryA bunch of short stories and things that I feel and need to let out. Sorry if they are no good.