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Hey everyone! I decided to a different name for this fic. I don't know why, I was just bored #don'tjudge~Kalel
Jenna's POV
Troye, you sit there. Right next to Mrs.Kyo." I slowly brushed my teal hair out of my eyes. A boy with a beautiful chocolate quiff walked over to me and took the seat. He looked at me. "Hi, I'm Troye, Troye Sivan" He said as he outstretched his hand. "I'm Jenna Kyo" I said softly. I always spoke softly. He smiled brightly at me as he pulled his science folder out of his back pack. I just kind of ignored him and I went back to my journal.
Mr.Hartman contiuned to blab on about todays AP physics lesson and I blocked him out. Mr. Hartman couldn't teach physics for the life of him. So I continued writing and sketching along in my journal until some pushed a note to me. It was on a tiny piece of college ruled paper and read:
Whatcha doin? -Troye xx
I rolled my eyes ripped the paper in two. Troye was popular meaning he was above me in our schools hierarchy. I don't need to get involved with his kind. His kind beats my kind. Literally. Just as I was beginning to get lost in my own thoughts, Troye slipped me another note.
Hello? Earth to Jenna? You can't ignore me bae!-Troye xx
I rolled my eyes again and discarded the note.
Once the bell rang for class I bolted through the hallway trying to avoid the populars. Just as I was about to run into my last hours class I walked into Zoe. Fuck. "Ugh! God Kyo! Are you fucking retarded?!" She screamed as she pushed me to the ground. The hallway cleared. Just as I started to stand up her boyfriend came. "Alfie! Caspar! Help! This bitch just ran into me and made me drop my notebooks!"She said daintly as she pouted. "It was an accident, I'm really sorry" I said as I crawled to pick up her notebooks. Just as I went to grab them, Caspar picked me up by my black long sleeved shirts collar. He shoved me against the lockers. Alfie then came in and punched my in the nose. I heard a loud cracking noise. Caspar then punched me in the stomach, and then threw me to the ground. Hard. Alfie then spit on me and left with Zoe clung to him. Caspar followed behind.
Once I got into the schools bathroom I looked at the damage. My nose looked broken and my face had warm blood running down it. I then began coughing into the sink and spat up more blood. Great. I then walked to my English and braced my self because I knew Mrs.Watson would yell at me for being late.
A/N I don't hate anyone mentioned by the way!
Jag älskar dig my loves

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