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" mom why did you want to talk with me. is there any problem " chanyeol ask his mother. chanyeol is handsome, and good looking guy can any girl dreamt to have. he is tall with well build body. really light abs that's close to none xD.

their is a women in her middle age sit in front of the giant looking living room with wearing white dress and leg cross, drinking hot chocolate. she is chanyeol's mother. " yes baby boy. its important. well, you are going to marry ne-- " cutting her mother chanyeol spoke " WHAT, MOM ITS TOO ERLY FOR MARRIAGE, HO--- " stopping her elder son JEUN spoke.. " don't shout park chanyeol, I am your mother. did you forget your manners, just shut up and listen..., back to the topic, as I say, you are going to married next month. and your bride will be Mr. Byun elder daughter Byun Baekhyun. so lets ready for that. " with anger chanyeol rise his voice. " MOM HOW CAN YOU DECID MY OWN LIFE WITHOUT MY PERMITION. MOM, THIS IS MY LIFE, YOU ARE MY MOTHER, BUT YOU CANT CONTROL MY LIFE. THIS IS MY FUCKING LIFE MOM, HOW DARE YO-- " she slap her son to stop his stout. but she was calm.

" behave your self young man. now go and ready. we are going to meet your in lows. " she said calmly. " mom please don't do this to me. why baekhyun, I never love her. I date with her, because I want to make dara jealous. that's it. I only use her for get dara. I told you, I love dara so.." this time her rise her voice. she is calm almost every time. she never get angry easily, without reason. " PARK CHANYEOL I TOLD YOU TO STOP THAT STUPID RELATIONSHIP WITH THAT LAW CLASS GIRL. WHY CANT YOU UNDERSTAND. I DONT CARE YOU USE BAEKHYUN OR NOT. YOU WILL MARRY HER NEXT MONTH YOU LIKE IT OR NOT, THATS IT,* SIGHS* now go and ready "

chanyeol growls, he stomps his way upstairs to his room, slamming his door closed. he call his girlfriend, after three rings he hear angelic voice of his dara. " hay baby, I miss you " dara said with sad voice. hearing her voice chanyeol calm down. " I miss you too baby.. uhh mh. da, I have to tell you something. but please don't panic okay, " chanyeol want dara to be his wife. he love her so much. its 3 years long relationship. he always love her, she is kind and good girl. they never fight for anything. chanyeol never let her cry.

Yes its thru. baekhyun is his ex girl friend. but he only date with her for his own reason, he never love her. he only use her to get dara. they date one and half year, they are not a couple, they always had fight when they alone, mostly chanyeol. he never start a day without a fight. chanyeol always complain about baekhyun's small fault. they never had a lovely relationship. only chanyeol know about, why he date with baekhyun. infront of everyone eyes chanyeol is the most caring boyfriend, but in alone time he is monster to baekhyun. he win his game, and finally dara agree to his proposal. and without thinking twice, chanyeol break up with baekhyun and made her life miserable.

"baby my parents arranged a marriage for me with baekhyun. and it will be held on next month. I don't want to marry that witch, I hate her baby, but my mom forced me to agree for that. I cant do anything right now da, but I promise you I will never let her be happy. like before I will make her life living hell. you don't have to worry I am all yours, I will be her husband, but I never going love her, and never will, this is only for our company, I promise you baby I will never broke up with you.. trust me, I will marry you someday and build our beautiful family with you,," chanyeol say without giving chance to talk dara, after hearing her loving boyfriend, " I trust you babe. I love you " she said. " baby boo now I have to meet that ugly witch's family. I will hang up now. I love you too, and thanks for your trust, take care " then he hang up the phone.

but chanyeol didn't know one thing that dara is smirks, in the other line. " now now now our little channi is going to be suffer. lets enjoy the drama. poor chanyeol. " she smile evilly while holding a little child hand, that silently sleep in her arm.


this is a prologue of this book. and sorry for spelling mistake and grammar mistake.

By @Channirani

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