Chapter 2

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I was now up in my room after being locked in the basement for god knows how long. "Megan i'm leaving to go to the club" my uncle screamed at me from the stairs. "Okay" I said as I made my way to the top of the stairs.

"Megan I want this house spotless when I get back or you'll be asking for it", he said once more, then walked out the door. After he left I ran up to my room. I was so tired of this it had to end. I packed a bag. I took 5 sets of clothes, mostly that's all I owned. I got my brush, toothpaste, and deodorant and also put them in my bag. I got under my bed and pulled out a money jar that had $500 in. I've been saving since I was 10. I threw my bag together and walked down the stairs. I already had my shoes on. They were an old pair I have had from along time ago. Put my coat on as I walked out the front door. Looking back one more time at the house that caused me so much pain, before taking off.

It must of been at least 8:00 because it was getting dark. Its been 2 hours since I left. I keep wondering if Rick was home and noticed I was gone. I was lost in the middle of wolverhampton. I started to get tired of walking. The cars started to fade going by.

A similar black car was driving past. The only thing I could think of was Rick, Because he had that exact same car. I started to walk a little faster. The car pasted by slowly. I heard the car come to a stop . I turned around and the car turn around coming towards me. I knew now who it was, so as any smart person would do I ran. As fast as my legs would take me. I took a glance back to see the car coming behind me, and I started to panic. As I soon turned head around to keep going I felt a hard body hit me like a brick wall and I fell back onto the sidewalk. When I looked up I saw the most perfect brown eyes and brown chocolate like hair. He looked down to me and asked me if I was alright. I started to feel tears stream down my cold face.

"Hey love are you alright" he asked in a sweet tone that could make you melt. His voice did sound similar to one I have heard before though. "No please help me, get me away from him". I said as I pointed a finger at the black car coming towards us. He looked confused at first. I looked back at the car and saw Rick get out he had a baseball bat. The boy's eyes automatically went wide and he picked me up bridal style and took off running to what must of been his car. He set me down in the passengers seat and closed the door behind him. Then he hopped in the drivers side and started the car. He sped off with my uncle right behind us. "Hurry please you can't let him take me back", I said, my vision wasn't clear but I could make out a figure approaching the car. I wasn't sure what would happen next.


I was on my way back from hanging with Travis at the mall and decided I wanted to walk for awhile. So I parked my car and hopped out to start walking. It was such a nice night out tonight.

As I turned the corner at the main street sign, I got a glimpse of a figure coming towards me and then boom were both on the ground. I got up to see who ran into me and to my surprise it was a beautiful girl maybe around my age maybe a little younger. She looked up at me and she had the most perfect Green eyes, and perfect brownish/black hair. I shook my head and then reached out my hand to help her up. She had a backpack on and she had tears in her eyes, maybe from when we fell. "Are you alright love", I said trying to be polite. She looked up at me with what looked like terror in her eyes. "No please you gotta help me get away from him", she said with a finger pointed towards a black car coming towards us. I started to panic and then picked her up Bridal style and started to run towards my car. When we reached my car I opened the passenger side door and set her in an then hopped in the driver side. He appeared at the side window. I started the car and sped off trying to get away. It must of been 20 minutes before we lost him at an intersection. I then pulled over and turned off the car. I looked over at the beautiful breath taking girl next to me and started to ask what happened.


"Well..." I started off. "My name is Megan Rose and I'm 17, That man that was chasing me was my uncle Rick. He abuses me". I felt tears start to stream down my face. "My parents died in a car accident, and I was forced to live with him until I'm 18. I just couldn't take it anymore and decided to run away while he was out". I then asked what's his name was and so on. He introduced himself as Liam Payne, I thought I knew that name before but I didn't remember. "Love..." He started out "Do you need some were to stay", he asked in a memorizing tone. I then slowly nod and he starts the car up again and we began to drive off.

He would look at me and just smile sometimes and then back at the rode, so we didn't crash. As we pulled up to a giant complex we got out of the car and made our way up to the complex. I stopped and looked at the house once more and Liam must of noticed me because he said "Love are you coming I have some people I would like you to meet". I was so nervous because I'm not a people person, but I went on to the complex. Liam unlocked the door and as soon as we walked in we were trampled to the ground to 4 other bodies over us screaming Liam's name.

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