Chapter Four

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11 weeks later
Leia's POV

Beep! Beep! Beep! As I slam on my alarm groaning, I sit up, and a wave of nausea comes over me, and as fast as I can bolt for the bathroom, just barely making it. 

Once I am finished, I wash my mouth out and head to the kitchen to grab a banana.

 I then head to my bed, grab my phone, and text Luke that I will not be coming to lost and found today because I am not feeling well. Then I lay back down and go back to sleep.

Knock Knock Knock! I groan as I stand up and answer the door, and standing there in all his glory is my amazing boyfriend with soup, bread, medicine, and a big smile ready to take care of me. 

As soon as I see him, I give him the biggest smile and start crying at the sweet gesture. As soon as I start crying, Luke asks with a worried expression on his face, "Are you okay? Do I need to take you to the doctor? What do you think it is from?" 

"Yeah, I am fine. I have been a bit emotional; lately, it's weird. Anyways come in." I answer closing the door behind him and following him into the kitchen.

We hang out and eat soup for the rest of the day while watching an unhealthy amount of Netflix. I grab the remote and turn the t.v off as the movie finishes and say to him "Thank you so much for doing this I really appreciate it for the past few days I have been feeling nauseous at times but this was the first time I actually threw up, so thank you for giving up a day to take care of me. I love you."I say and kiss him on the cheek, then get up off the couch.

"I love you too, and it was no problem. It was quite nice just relaxing the whole day and hanging out with you. I am got to go home but text me if you need anything. Ok?" he asks, heading for the door.

"Ok," I say hugging him then closing the door behind him. 

I then head to my bedroom and check my calendar to see if I have anything going on this week. As I am looking, I notice that I was supposed to get my period last week. Then I remember that I didn't get it last month either. 

The realization washes over like a bucket of cold water. Running, I quickly grab my keys and head to the pharmacy. 

When I get there I go straight to the pregnancy test section and grab a few tests then go up to the register to find a girl only a little older than me. 

As I give her the tests to pay for them, she gives me a sympathetic look and says, "I have a feeling that this is going to be a hard day for you, so they are on the house. Take it as an early baby shower gift." then hands me the bag.

 I am shocked and super grateful because those tests are not cheap, so I say "thank you" and leave the store.

Once I am home, I go right to the bathroom, read the directions, and then take the test. I put the cap on I head to my bed to wait. 

Once my alarm goes off, signaling that my life could be about to turn completely upside down. I head into the bathroom lift up the test...

Dun... dun... duhhh...  what could it say? Is she pregnant? Stay tuned for tomorrow's chapter. Please give feedback if you have any. XOXO

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