Cornflower Blue

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Eliza. Oh, Eliza.

I had been 'randomly chosen' to be her new victim, but I think it was because she was jealous. Maybe I was a little jealous too.

Let's rewind:

Saturday night, after our first week of classes, the Schuyler's decided to throw a party. Why? I don't know, I didn't care either.

Party = booze.
Booze = forgetting.
Forgetting = relaxation.
Relaxation = happiness.

I'm not an alcoholic. I don't drink regularly- only when there's a party and I feel like I really need it. I'm a heavyweight anyways, which a lot of people find surprising for my small stature.

Of course, the gang and I were all invited. Well, Aaron wasn't but we dragged him along with us anyway.

We got there "fashionably late," as Laf likes to say, and most of the people there were already drinking, drunk, or wasted.

College parties am I right?

Haha I'm sooo original.

Anyway, we got there and everyone had a red solo cup, blah blah blah. Alex and I went off to get drinks of our own while Laf went to find Hercules, who was already there. I'm assuming it wasn't that hard to find the Irish man, as he was screaming his name and how he needed no introductions, clearly already drunk.

Alex wandered away from me and I somehow got myself into the middle of a drinking game.

I was bracing myself against the kitchen counter and obeying the crowd around me with a bottle of whisky in my hand as they chanted "Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!" when the unimaginable happened.

Thomas Jefferson stumbles over to me as I finished the bottle, the crowd cheering and going back to their own business.

"Hey baby~"
" 'Ey jackass."
"Aww, you really wanna talk to me like that darlin'?" He drawled. Funny. When we were drunk, both of our southern accents came out at full blast. It was almost like I was back in South Carolina.

"Whadya want, Jefferson?" I smoothed my ruffled and messy hair out of my face, looking - no, glaring up at the taller man with as much disdain in my expression as I could muster.

That's when the unimaginable happened. The Virginian leaned down and-

What the fucking fuck?

I pushed him off of me and punched him in the face as hard as I could. He staggered backwards, clutching his cheekbone. The crowd had gathered around us again at that point.

Ow. My hand hurt from landing right on a bone.

I shook it out a little with a dry laugh. I was so hoping I would remember this in the morning.

"Wow, that hurt me too. You have one fucking thick skull."

The crowd 'oooo'ed and Thomas looked like his eyes were on fire. I smirked.

He grabbed me by the collar and shoved me against the countertop again. Ooh, tipsy me was not having any of that.

Just as he was about to make this a "punch for a punch" match, I kneed him in the stomach and got him off of me again. Lovely. Time to bounce-

He landed the punch to the side of my head that time, making me double over. I stood up straight again and was about to punch the stupidly smug smirk off his stupid face when I felt two strong arms weave under my own and pull me away from Thomas. I wasn't sure who was behind me, but I saw James Madison and James Reynolds pull Thomas back in the same manner.

Thomas looked pissed again.

Tipsy me is so creative with words, isn't he? She? I don't know what to call myself anymore.

Well, if I couldn't punch him again, at least I could taunt him.

"Wow Tommy, you got steam comin' outta your ears, I guess ya really are Thomas the train!"

He growled something at me but I didn't quite catch it because I was being dragged away, stumbling to keep up.

Turns out it was Alex. Yay! Tipsy me likes Alex. He leaned in to whisper in my ear.

"What were you thinking Jade?"
"Wasn't." I giggled and whined "I want more whiskyyy,"

Okay maybe I wasn't just tipsy.

Hell, I was drunk off my ass.

Note to self: don't chug whole bottles of whisky.

Or do. I've decided that drunk me is fun.

"No. No more alcohol for you." Alex scolded me. "I'm taking you back to your dorm."

I groaned, but let him start to lead me to the door. He had his arm wrapped around my waist protectively and... oddly enough, I liked it. I mean, I was okay with it.

Eliza stepped into our path before we could reach the door.

"Where are you going, Alex?" She purred sweetly, standing really close to him. She wasn't drunk. I couldn't smell any alcohol on her, but then again I was drunk and smelled like alcohol so I couldn't really say much. I leaned against Alex.

"Jade is drunk as fuck so I'm taking her back to her dorm."
"I'm not that drunk..."
"Yes you are. Can you let us go for a while Eliza?"

Eliza shot a glare at me which I countered with a simple grin.

"Why don't you stay a while? I'm sure Jade can find her room by herself." She continued with an edge to her voice this time. I kind of zoned out as Eliza started flirting with Alex until I started to fall asleep. I tugged on the boys shirt.

" 'Leexxxx, I'm tirreed. Can you take me back to my dorm yet?" He sighed and practically dragged-slash-carried me to the door, past Elizabeth.

As we walked - well, I wasn't really walking - went back to my dorm, I started singing.

"I may not live to see our *hic* glory~"

Damn, I was drunker than I thought I was.

"But I've seen wonders great and small!~" I threw my arm out dramatically, unintentionally leaning into Alexander and making both of us stumble to the side. I laughed heartily.

We finally came up to my dorm and he told me to pull out the key. I did as I was told, fumbling with the lock until he sighed again and took the key from me, unlocking the room himself. He led me inside and helped me into the bed. He said goodnight and left. I think I fell asleep after that.

Well, back to present times, eh?

Now I'm pretty sure that Eliza sees me as competition. I'm up for the challenge if she puts one out.

Jade Green EyesWhere stories live. Discover now