Knives and pens, dancing and love

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                          ANDY'S POV  

Andy looked curiosly at the girl he had just kissed. She was blushing a pure red and frankly made her look even cuter than she had before. He smiled and asked "Whats you name?"

" name is haylee" she said with a shy smile that made his heart squeeze.

"Sorry about that random kiss, i was getting my Ex off my back" he winced and looked around making sure she was still not here.

"oh. i dont mind" she said, then quickly glanced down at her watch which had mickey mouse in the center.

"Where are you currently headed?"

"To the ballet studio"

"Your into ballet?" Andy was intrigued. She was cute and danced.


"would you like me to escort you thier?" Andy didnt want to be on the streets while his Ex was running around tearing heads off and eating children.

"Sure if youd like to." she shrugged

"I would absolutely love to" Andy offered her his elbow which she took and they made thier way toward the ballet studio.

     Once they entered andy asked if he was allowed to watch and haylee assured him he could. So he sat in one of the chairs and noticed she was by her self.

"wheres your instructor?"

"Shes aint here today im going to be all by myself"

"ah i see" he shrugged his vest off, and got more comfortable  in the chair. 

She set her back pack against one of the four mirrors that made up the room. she shrugged off her over sized shirt, revealing a muscle T. she left her sweats on and started her warm ups.  She stretched her long legs up and on to the bar. She then did the splits and stretched her abs graciously. Andy shifted in his seat, transfixed by this petite girls fluid movements.  She stood up and stretched her arms above her head. Then she started.

She turned on the radio in the corner and started dancing to the music. Flowing with the violen, bouncing with the trumpets and twirling with the piano. Her legs where pumping as she ran to make jumps and her waist twisting beautifully as she twirled. At the end of the song she bowed with perfect timing.

"Wow, you were amazing" Andy blurted before he could stop his stupid mouth.

She blushed and nodded her head in thanks and grabbed a bottle of water out of her bag.

"This next song ill need your help with" She stated shyly "If you dont mind" 

Andy got up "It would be my pleasure, what do i need to do"

As she started t explain the detail of the song he listened, and tried to understand most of it.

She started up the song and stepped in front of andy. Once the paino started she said "Lift me!"

Andy lifted her and tilted her as she instructed. 

"Twirl" andy slowly spun her around.

"Slowly drop me"  He dropped her and she slid to the ground in perfect splits. she raised her hands above her head and told him to take them and raise her. he did so.

"Take hold of my leg" She said as she lifted her leg half way into the air. he took hold of it and grabbed her out stretched hand and twirled again as she instructed. at the end of the song he had made a complete half circle. She turned her head to him with a grateful smile and he couldt help him self. He leaned in and kissed her.

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