Chapter 01

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I go to my tent to go to bed for the night. Mr. Honeynuts is gone, and there's a note where he was sitting. I read the note and tears fill my eyes.

'If you want your stupid bear back, come to the wood Scotts alone for a little talk. Signed the Wood Scotts.'

I hide rip the paper up and start walking towards the boot camp. No one seems to be around when I arrive. I look around in confusion. Isn't someone normally keeping watch or something at night? Something hits me over the head and my vision goes dark.

3rd person

Snake, one of the Wood Scotts, drags Max to their lab where Pikemon (right?) is waiting. Max is laid on a table and the Wood Scotts get to work. Sliding needles into Max's arms, giving him liquids. One he is turned, he is carried to Camp Campbell's part of the forest and placed near a tree, a pacifier being put in his mouth for when the child wakes up.


I wake everyone up for breakfast. Max is the only one not in the mess hall. Gwen makes me go and get him. I go to his tent to see that he is no where in sight. I start to panic. I run into the forest and start calling his name. I see a small figure by a tree. I kneel down and my jaw drops in shock. Max is a baby. Like he looks to be about nine months or so. Like he has hair on his head, but he's so small. His hoodie is the same size as when I last saw him. He has a matching pacifier in his mouth. He is asleep.

I pick the small child up and go back to the mess hall. I already have to convince Max to let me adopt him since his parents sent a letter with him saying that he was now up for adoption, but now I can't ask. I sit next to Gwen. She looks at Max in shock. Max opens his eyes. He giggles with the pacifier still in his mouth.

"Aww, the little shit has never looked so not unnerving before," Gwen says.

"Language around the baby," I scold her. She smiles and looks at him. I take his hoodie off so he can move around better. He holds his tiny little hands towards Gwen. She holds her hand out to him. He grabs onto two of her fingers. He giggles again. His t-shirt and pants are at least his size. Nikki and Neil run up. Nikki is bouncing up and down, her eyes wide as she looks at Max. Neil looks confused.

"When did you guys have a child? And where is Max?" he asks.

"This is Max. I found him in the forest like this," I reply.

A/N I think the rest of the book is going to be in David's Point Of View unless it says so.

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