Treat You Better

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I have never been more terrified in my life. I just wish I could break up with Dallas, but I can't. I'm scared of what he'll do. And if I told anyone what he does to me, I don't know what he might do to them.

Not only does he hit me, but he cheats on me, too. The first time he ever hit me was when I confronted him about it. He slapped me hard across my cheek, and he said that he could do whatever he wants and that I don't own him.
Could a guy get any dumber?

He is my boyfriend, and I am the only girl that should be kissing him, but I don't even care about him cheating anymore. I don't even know why I liked him. I just wish I could get out of this relationship.

Today, I was a little late going over to his house, and when I walked in he started yelling at me. Like, "where have you been?" "I told you to here at 3" "I know you were out with some guy." I got so mad at him, and I couldn't take it anymore.

I started to yell back at him, which I never do, and boy was that a mistake.

His large hand collided with my cheek, and it stung for a while. This was the hardest he ever hit me. It was probably gonna leave a bruise for at least two weeks.

Now, I'm standing on Hayes' front porch. I finally have the nerve to tell somebody, and I trust Hayes the most with this. I just hope he doesn't get too mad at Dallas.

I knock, and after 15 seconds, he opens the door. When he sees it's me, he smiles, but it quickly fades away when he notices my cheek.

"Oh my gosh. What happened to you?" Hayes said pulling me into his house.

I don't think anyone else was home since it was really quiet.

"Dallas," I said barely above a whisper.

"What did he do?" Hayes' voice went deeper and more threatening.

"He...he," I said stuttering.

"Did he do this to you?" he asked pointing to my cheek.

I nodded, and I looked up at Hayes, and his jaw was clenched, and I could see every vein in his neck. I never saw him like this.

"I'm gonna kill him," he growls.

"Hayes," I put my hands on his chest, "please, it's just a bruise," I said trying to calm him down.

Hayes unclenched his fists and loosened his jaw when he looked down at me.

"Has he done anything else to you?" Hayes asked.

I looked down and started to tear up. Here goes nothing.

I told Hayes about everything. About how Dallas has hit me before, and that he cheats on me.

I showed him he bruises on my arms and stomach. Hayes was furious. He asked why I never said anything, and I told him that if I did, Dallas would have hurt me more than ever before. Dallas' exact words were that he would make my life a living hell.

Hayes pulled me into a gentle hug, obviously trying not to hurt me. He sat me on his lap and cradled me. I loved this. Hayes was the guy I really wanted. I guess I dated Dallas to get over my crush on Hayes. Worst decision I ever made.

Since it got really late, I asked my mom if I could spend the night with Hayes. She said it was okay, and we got ready for bed.

As we were lying on his bed, I turned around and said, "Hayes?"

"Hmm," he turned to face me.

"I think I'm gonna break up with Dallas tomorrow."

Hayes grabbed my hand, "Do you want me to go with you? Cause he might try to hurt you again."

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