Worth Fighting For

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I hope you guys enjoy this one. And guys we are almost at 4k reads! Ahhhhh! That is crazy. Anyways, on with the story. (And yes, it is based off of The Last Song)


Y/n stared down at the white envelope with her name written in beautiful calligraphy. She finally got the invitation to Nash and Taylor's wedding. Hayes asked her to be his date, and she'd been waiting for the day that it would arrive. After spending an entire month together, they were inseparable and both were slowly falling in love.

Near the beginning of the summer, Y/n and her family rented a little house on the lake in NC for the entire summer. It was a graduation present from her parents.

On their first night of vacation, Y/n heard about a fair close by in town.
While she was walking with a few friends, Hayes and Y/n both caught each other's eye.

After that night, they were constantly running into each other all over town, until Hayes finally asked her out. A romance slowly built between the two, and soon, they became official.

How they met always played over and over again in Y/n's mind. And her nerves were all over the place as she was adding the last touches to her look for the wedding.

After what felt like hours of pacing, Hayes picked her up and drove them to the wedding.

All throughout the ceremony, Hayes would sneak a few glances towards Y/n. They would smile and give loving looks to one another.

Soon enough, Nash and Taylor were officially married and walking down the aisle.
Everyone walked over to the next building for the reception, and as Y/n made her way over to the food table, she recognized someone. It was Mack.

Mackenzie, Mack for short, was Y/n's first friend when she first came to NC; they met at the fair. While Y/n was at a table that was sealing t-shirts and jewelry, Mack warned her that they were real cheap and not all that good. They joked about the shirts and jewelry and became fast friends. The two of them walked around and got to know each other better.

After a while, Mack ran up toward some guy, and Y/n assumed that it was her boyfriend.
Mack introduced Y/n and Garrett, who was in fact her boyfriend, and Y/n couldn't help but get this weird vibe from him. But the last thing she wanted was to lose Mack after they just became really good friends.

All three of them continued to walk around and get to know each other. Soon, Garrett snuck up behind a couple of guys, who Y/n later found out to be Hayes and his friends.

Once Hayes noticed Garrett, he looked real pissed to see him. Mack and Garrett laughed at how scared Tez was after Garrett snuck up on him. Meanwhile, Y/n awkwardly walked past Hayes and his friends and caught up to Mack and Garrett.

The rest of that following week, Y/n was spending time with Mack and Garrett, but Mack noticed something between Y/n and Garrett and assumed that they liked each other.

Then one day, Y/n was shopping, and Mack went up to her to confront her about Garrett. Y/n tried to tell her the truth about the weird feeling she got from Garrett, but Mack wouldn't listen, and their friendship was ruined.

Even though all that mess happened, Y/n at least wanted to know if Mack was okay.

"Hey Mack," Y/n smiled at her.

Mack was surprised at first but smiled back, "Hey, Y/n."

"How are you?" Y/n asked.

"I'm really good. I was able to get this job as a wedding caterer, and it pays really good," Mack explained.

"I'm happy to hear that."

Mack continued, "I broke up with Garrett. You were right about him. He was treating me terribly, and I got tired of it."

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