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"Kurt?" I called behind him.

He hummed in response for me to speak.

"Are you taking me to a bridge? Because been there, done that," I checked, putting a piece of hair behind my ear.

Kur shook his head, "no, I am not. When did anyone ever brought you to a bridge, anyway?" he asked.

"Dale, yesterday," I answered, ripping a leaf from a random tree. There weren't many trees there, but that sort of mini forest was a cleaner place to be than the bridge, not saying I didn't like that place because I surprisingly did.

"He's crazy," Kurt chuckled.

I smiled. "He said that you used to go there with him and some friends, so you're crazy too, " I stated.

He glanced at me and continued to walk as if avoiding the conversation. "We are almost there," he mumbled, still leading the way.

I continued to follow him in silence until he sat next to a tree that had some words in it. "This is not weird at all, " I joked.

"Just sit down," he demanded, taking a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.

I sat next to him and accepted the cigarette he gave me. "Thanks." We both placed the cigarettes in our mouths and he lit them in simultaneous. He put them on his jeans again and sighed.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked a few seconds later.

I shifted to find a comfier position as I thought of an answer. "Nothing really. Is that why you brought me here? For me to not think?" I inquired.

"No, killing you in the woods is easier and there are fewer chances that ― hey!" I interrupted him by hitting him in the arm.

"Jackass," I murmured.

He eventually stopped laughing. "Yes, that's the reason why I decided to come here," he answered. "You looked like you needed it."

"Well, thanks, it's working." I smiled.

"I am glad," he murmured.

"Me too." I didn't want silence, it made me think about her again so I decided to make conversation. "Do you come here often?" I asked him, before taking a smoke of the cigarette.

He shrugged. "No, almost never."

I raised an eyebrow and looked at the words written on the tree.

"I said almost," he mumbled. "I prefer the bridge, anyway, " he told.

"Oh, really? Why?" I asked.

He took a smoke and looked at me. That was the first time I found any guy hot; it was an odd feeling that I tried to ignore. "Why do you think I go there?" he asked, smoothly.

I shrugged and answered, "to be alone?" my voice was lower like I was nervous.

What am I nervous about?

He tilted his head slightly and gave a small nod. "Maybe. Sounds like a nice excuse."

I coughed. "An ― an excuse?" I stuttered.

He grinned. "Yeah, you know, to not talk to people. They can be weird sometimes. Always so happy and with stuff to do; so infuriating."

I nodded. "I get you. They put so many meanings in so many things that everything gets so fucking boring. A person can't even find her Nirvana peacefully."

He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. "What do you mean by Nirvana?" he asked.

"Nirvana... The Buddhist term for finding happiness after death or emptiness ― depends on the point of view," I told him.

"I think I've heard of it... It's a fancy word," he commented.

"Yeah, it is." I grabbed a small rock and got to my knees, facing the tree. Kurt looked at me and sighed.

"Breezy. Let's continue talking," he whined, sliding further down.

I shook my head. "That's such a waste of time," I complained before throwing the cigarette to the ground.

Kurt quickly got up to step on it. "Are you fucking crazy? You could have burned the entire forest!" he shouted.

I smiled and handed him another rock. "Draw with me." I turned around and started to type my name.

I felt him got closer again. "This is getting boring," he murmured, dropping to his knees too.

I ignored the small shiver that went from my ear to my back and just coughed again."Who gives the slightest fuck? Being at home staring at the walls would be boring too," I stated.

"That's the reason why we came here." I saw him starting to draw his name too.

"Exactly! Now, stop talking." I wrote 'Brenda' and a heart, drawing was never my thing.

He glanced at my name. "Isn't your name 'Breezy'?" he queried.

I sat down and looked at him. "No, it is what my mom used to call me and I stuck to it even after she died," when I stopped talking his lips were in a straight line and his head tilted a little bit as if in pity. "Don't look at me like that, I am fine with it."

He sat down again after stepping on his cigarette. "No, you're not. Nobody would be."

I chuckled before sitting again. "A psychopath or sociopath would." Even if I laughed he looked at me with a serious face. "Oh, Kurt, stop that I-am-so-sorry-I-wish-I-could-do-something-for-you look. I thought you had a dark humor."

"If this weren't about you I'd laugh, but this is about you and you are definitely not ok with it," he stated, leaning closer. That was the first time I witnessed him caring for me or anyone in general.

"Are you in my head?" I snapped. "I am fine. She has been dead for a long time and ― and I am fine now." I gave him a big smile, " see? Happy!"

He sighed and shook his head. "Bree, you started shaking when Hillary mentioned her."

I looked away from his eyes. "Can we stop talking about it?"

"Sure, but if you want to talk about it... I am here, " he told, smiling sweetly.

I chuckled. "I said I didn't want to."

"You can change your mind. People change their mind about a lot of stuff... You wouldn't be the last one, you know, " he stated, smiling at me.

I looked at both our names written in the wood, ignoring him. "How long do you think it's going to stay in there?" I asked him.

He looked behind him. "Our names?" he queried.

"Of course, you dumbie, " I replied.

He glanced at me, making me look away from him. When I looked at him again he was staring at the tree while biting his lip. "Until they chop this fucking tree off. So, not for too long."

I chuckled.

"Our names together look like we are some kind of cheesy, cute couple, " he joked, while still staring at it.

I laughed with him. "Kinda."

He looked at me and raised his eyebrows. "Are you blushing?" he asked.

My hands went to my cheeks quickly and I let my hair fall to it cover my face. "Of course not, it's just hot in here."

"No, it's not," he stated.

I rolled my eyes. "Can't you just drop it?" I snapped, yelling.

He raised his hands. "Don't yell at me, I was just asking."

"Can we go, please?" I got up.

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