17/8/2019 - 3 - Wish (Terminal Beat!!!)

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Daisuke Hanyo

A fog of grogginess clouds my head.

Shifting myself into a sitting position, dragging myself forward as I remember the tubes that keep me attached to this cumbersome contraption I'm ashamed to call a bed.

I hate this.

Being confined.

All the things I could, should be able to do. A vast world to explore, with endless cultures, landscapes, people to gain knowledge and experience from.

Experience I'll never get.

Leaning towards the bedside cabinet, I swipe for my phone and unlock the home screen. I begin to scroll through the countless barrages of posts from the internet, surpressing my jealousy.

Why do they get all the fun?

Why can't I be like that?

Something on my screen catches my eye.

It's a question.

A post insisting that if I type a wish in, it'll come true. The wish I enter in is "I wish I could go to school."
But of course, it's not the wish I truly care about.

I wish I wasn't sick.


What do you think is wrong with Daisuke??? Oh dear!

It seems he is in quite a state of disability. I promise you'll see more of him.

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Rianon, Queen of Reverse

The 365 Project, Part 1Where stories live. Discover now