Chapter 10

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Ariana's POV

"Let's go to the beach!" I yelled since Sarah got here like an hour ago

"Yea" she said

"Fine" Alex said

We all got ready but me and Sarah had to run home and get my bathing suit cause she all ready had hers

"Ooh put the red one on!" she said it was my favourite one

"Okay" I said and put some shorts on and a shirt

We heard a honk outside and saw two cars

In Alex's car he was driving with Robert, Zach and Tyler in the back and the front I guessed saved for Sarah

"Austin's in his car " Robert said pointing behind and I hopped into the passenger seat

"Hey" I said smiling at him and he smiled back

We drove and austin turned the radio up and fancy came on

"IM SO FANCY YOU ALREADY KNOW" Austin screamed I sang the next part and we both were laughing

He parked the car and we got out

"We heard you guys singing that was really loud" Robert said

"What really!" I said

"Yea! you had the windows down and the volume turned all the way!" He laughed

"But ya sing pretty good" Alex said

"Thanks" I said I never sang in front of people un less I have too but I never knew

"Austin do you want to sing the boy part in moves like jagger in school?" Alex asked

"I uh don't know but sure and how is going to sing the girls part?" he agreed

"Ariana" he said and he looked at me I just blushed maybe looking like tomato

"Okay when" wow he needs lots of information

"On Tuesday we are performing to the whole school" what wait I didn't know that part

Sarah and I sat on our towels talking when I looked at her she was gone

"ALEX!" I heard and looked to see Sarah drenched in the water with Alex laughing his head off

Then I see Robert about to grab me when I stood up

"Whatcha doing" I said

"Oh nothing" he said when he almost grabbed me and I started to run but I am pretty fast since I'm small

"Come here you" he screamed but I kept running

"GET HER AUSTIN" Robert yelled I jumped to the side but austin caught me

"Got you" he said smiling and was about to throw me into the water

"WAIT I can't swim!" I pouted

"Oh sorry" he said putting me down

"Wait AUSTIN NOO!" Sarah yelled but it was too late I already pushed him down into the water

"HAHAHA" I laughed

"WHAT I NO!" he said

"Austin she was on the swimming team!" Sarah said giggling

"Oh I'm going to get you!" he said walking out to dry off and I walked behind him giggling

When all of a sudden Austin turned around really fast and picked me up

"AUSTIN NOOO" as he dropped me into the water

I got out and playfully slapped him on the arm

"Hey karma's a bitch" he said laughing But I pouted

Alex's POV

"Hey" I said to Sarah smiling

"Hey" she said

"Look" I pointed to Ariana and Austin laughing together

"I know I like totally ship them!" I said laughing

"Yea" he said kissed me

Pulled back and he blushed and looked away awwww he's so cute!

"No I liked it" I said looking into his eyes

And we just looked into each others eyes until Robert came and picked me up

"Robert!!!" Alex yelled as Robert ran away with me

"OH ALEX HELP ME!" I begged

"I'm coming!" he yelled when he was about to grab me but Ariana came instead and grabbed me from Robert

"Hey" Alex yelled

"There you go" she sad as she threw me onto the sand

"Owwww" I groaned

"Here" Alex said helping me up I said thanks and went to sit on my towel

Austin's POV

"Okay guys you have school tomorrow while me and Sarah chill yee" I said giving Sarah a high five

"Nope you are going to attend school" Alex said pointing to me

"Umm no I can't" I said in a 'duh-tone'

"Yea if you want to do the song" Alex said and I gave in

"And what about me?" Sarah said

"You could always just stay in the library and do your homework from Miami and eat when we eat and stuff but like you don't go into the class and stuff" Zach suggested

"We could talk to our principle!" austin said

"YUSSS okay well lets go home we have school tomorrow and we have to get there early to talk to the principle" Austin said packing his things

On the ride back me and Austin were just talking about anything

"Okay we're here" he said pulling into my driveway

"Thanks bye" I said getting out and walked up to the door and he pulled out and winked at me before he drove off an I laughed at him

I walked up and took a shower before Sarah gets here

I washed my hair getting all the nastiness out of it and stepped out and put on my pyjamas

"Hey" Sarah said I said hi back

"Were will I sleep?" she asked

"You can sleep in the guest bedroom and another time we can decorate it" I smiled at her

"Sure wake me up!" she said ,well if I wake up anyways

"Okay night" I said and she left

I started to get tired and I turned off the lights


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